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By the time he lifted his head, Chloe had forgotten all about Emily and her threats. She only had eyes for the man in front of her—the man she was falling deeper for with each passing day. Together, they could defeat any challenge. Even a vengeful ex with an axe to grind.

* * *

The next morning, Chloe woke to sunlight streaming through the windows and the scent of freshly brewed coffee. She stretched with a contented sigh, memories of the previous night flooding back to her.

Hendrix had stayed over, holding her close through the night and chasing away any lingering fears or doubts with his presence alone. They’d talked for hours. By the time they fell asleep, wrapped up in each other’s arms, Chloe felt closer to Hendrix than ever before.

Now the smell of coffee drew her from the bedroom, where she found Hendrix in the kitchen. He turned as she entered, a slow smile curving his lips. “Good morning, darling.”

“Morning.” Chloe wound her arms around his waist, leaning up on her toes to kiss him. “You’re up early.”

“I wanted to surprise you with breakfast.” He nodded at the counter, where a plate of chocolate chip pancakes waited. “Your favorite.”

Her heart swelled at the gesture. “You’re too good to me.”

“Nonsense.” Hendrix brushed a strand of hair from her face, fingers lingering against her cheek. “You deserve the world, Chloe. I intend to spend my life proving that to you.”

A flush crept into her cheeks at the sincerity in his voice. She cleared her throat, willing her traitorous heart to slow down. “We should probably eat before the pancakes get cold.”

Chuckling, Hendrix pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before pulling out a chair for her. “As my lady wishes.”

They ate in comfortable silence, exchanging smiles and casual touches over the table. A sense of peace settled over Chloe, the stresses of work and relationships fading away in Hendrix’s presence.

Here, at this moment, all was right in her world.

* * *

The next day, Chloe arrived at her flower shop in a cheerful mood, still basking in the glow of her perfect morning with Hendrix. But as she walked through the front door, her steps faltered.

The usually vibrant and colorful interior was dull and lifeless. The flowers drooped in their vases, petals littering the countertops and floor. An acrid, unpleasant odor permeated the air.

Chloe rushed over to the refrigeration unit, dread pooling in her stomach. The temperature gauge read a hazardous 80 degrees. Her flowers, her livelihood, were ruined.

She sank into a chair, tears burning in her eyes. All of her hard work, destroyed. How was this possible?

Then she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. A small device, tucked away under one of the tables. She grabbed it, realization dawning as she examined the foreign object. A thermostat controller, rigged to manipulate the temperature in her refrigerators.


There was only one person cruel and vindictive enough to do something like this. Victoria.

Anger rose inside Chloe, hot and violent. That jealous witch would pay for this. She had gone too far this time.

Chloe stood, hands clenching into fists, and vowed to put an end to Victoria’s vicious campaign against her once and for all. Her rival had no idea what she was about to unleash.

Chloe smiled then, cold and sinister. Victoria wanted a war? She was about to get one.

Chloe stormed out of the shop, slamming the door behind her. She needed to clear her head before she did something she regretted.

As she walked down the street, she noticed a familiar figure in the distance. Hendrix. Her heart leapt at the sight of him, a reminder of the comfort and joy he brought to her life.

She quickened her pace, catching up to him. He turned just as she approached, a smile lighting up his face.

“Chloe, what a lovely surprise,” he said, pulling her into an embrace. She melted against him, breathing in his scent.

When she pulled back, he frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Leave it to Hendrix to see right through her facade. She sighed, deciding to confide in him. He was the only one she trusted enough to share this burden.

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