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She explained the situation with Victoria, unable to keep the anger and hurt from her voice. By the time she finished, fury burned in Hendrix’s eyes.

“That despicable woman,” he growled. “Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of her.”

Chloe grabbed his arm. “No, Hendrix. This is my battle to fight.”

He opened his mouth to argue, but she cut him off. “Please. I need to handle Victoria on my own. Trust me.”

Hendrix studied her for a long moment before nodding. “I do trust you. But if she causes you any more trouble, all bets are off.”

Chloe smiled, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him softly. “Thank you. Now, I should get back to the shop. I have some repairs to make.”

“Do you need any help?” Hendrix asked. Chloe shook her head.

“I’ve got this. But maybe I could see you later? A glass of wine and your charming company would do wonders for my mood.”

“Of course,” Hendrix said, squeezing her hand.

They parted ways, Chloe’s steps lighter than before. She had a battle to plan and a victory to win. But she also had Hendrix. Together, they were unstoppable. Victoria didn’t stand a chance.


The bell on the door jangled as Chloe arranged a bouquet of sunflowers, their yellow heads reaching toward the sunlight streaming through the large front windows.

Her flower shop was her pride and joy, filled with colorful blooms that scented the air with a mixture of fragrances — roses, lilies, orchids. The worn wooden shelves and floors gave it a cozy charm. This was her happy place.

A crackling sound shattered the peace, and the scent of smoke seeped into the air. Chloe’s head snapped up, her heart pounding. Flames licked at the shelves and then at the threshold of the back room, spreading with alarming speed.

Panic rose in her chest. The fire had already engulfed the door. Trapped. She was trapped.

Smoke filled her lungs as she screamed for help. No one was outside. She was alone.

Chloe collapsed to the floor, choking and gasping for air as the inferno raged around her. The heat was unbearable, searing her skin. She was going to die here, surrounded by the flowers she loved.

Tears streamed down her face as she thought of her friends and family. She didn’t want to die. She wasn’t ready. There was so much left unsaid, so much left undone.

The crackling flames drowned out her ragged sobs as the smoke thickened. Darkness crept into the edges of her vision, her consciousness fading. As everything went black, her last thought was of Hendrix. If only he were here...

* * *

Hendrix hurried down the street, a bouquet of lilies and Chloe’s favorite pasta dish in hand. He was going to surprise her with dinner at the shop after hours.

His heart nearly stopped at the sight of smoke pouring from the windows of the flower shop. “No!” He broke into a run, dropping everything as he sprinted to the door. It was locked.

Panic and dread rose in his chest as he pounded on the glass. “Chloe! Chloe, can you hear me?!”

There was no response. Squinting through the haze, he could just make out a figure slumped on the floor.

He had to get in there. Now.

Hendrix rammed his shoulder into the door, ignoring the sharp pain as the glass splintered around the lock. He stumbled inside, the heat and smoke hitting him like a wall.

“Chloe!” He scrambled over to her prone form, dropping to his knees. She wasn’t moving.

Lifting her into his arms, he ignored the flames licking at his shirt. He had to get her out. Now.

Kicking open what was left of the door, he raced out into the cool night air. “Help!” he bellowed. “Call 911! Fire!”

He laid Chloe gently on the ground a safe distance from the blaze, tilting her head back and starting CPR.“Come on, Chloe, don’t do this,” he muttered between chest compressions.“I just found you. You can’t leave me now!”

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