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After the male faerie scurries out of the room, I wait a few beats before making my presence known.

I clear my throat and step into sight, letting the pantry door swing shut behind me.

“Are those—cinnamon rolls?” I ask as warm vanilla and cinnamon scents assault me.

Rainer’s eyes dart between me and the pantry I exited, and his brow cocks, but he doesn’t say anything.

“Doughnuts,” the female servant—Das Lulu, I presume—says. She stops what she’s doing, turning to me with a wide smile. “Prince Rainer’s favorite.” She winks at him, and he offers her a soft smile back.

On cue, my stomach rumbles in response to the scent.

Rainer’s frown deepens and I shrug.

Striding to the counter, Rainer stops next to the female servant. “May I?”

“Of course, Prince.” She slides a tray of deserts toward him and nods graciously as he accepts it.

When he returns to my side, he holds out the puffy rings of dough to me. I’m caught off guard.

With holes in the center, they’re a strange looking dessert. The lord and lady are partial to pies, even the occasional cinnamon roll.

“I’ve never had a doughnut before,” I murmur.

Rainer’s face softens.

“You can fry ‘em in grease or oil too, but we like baking ‘em. Fluffier that way,” Das Lulu says, clapping her hands excitedly.

After a moment’s hesitation, I reluctantly accept one of the dough-rings with a chocolate paste on top. I take a large bite. Sugary sweetness overwhelms my tastebuds.

“Wow,” I say through a mouthful.

“I prefer the chocolate frosted, too.” Rainer grabs an identical dessert off the tray before placing the rest back on the counter by Das Lulu. He taps his doughnut against mine and says, “Sláinte.”

Swallowing my mouthful, I watch the prince with confusion.

He’s been unpredictable and impossible to read. At times, I think he’s being kind to me, but then he grows an attitude out of nowhere, keeping me an arm’s length away.

It doesn’t matter if he gives me or Das Celyn food, it doesn’t make him a good guy. I remind myself of that so I don’t let my guard down around him.

But when he’s not scowling at me, he’s quite civil…charming even. His full lips wrap around the edge of his doughnut and his eyes shut as he chews. His throat bobs as he swallows.

When his eyes flutter open and catch me staring, blood rushes to my cheeks. I quickly take a bite of my own doughnut, trying to hide behind it.

Rainer steps closer to me and my body heats up.

“Here,” he says. “You have a little—” His thumb reaches up to gently swipe a spot of chocolate from my chin, which he then licks off his finger.

Oh gods.

It’s so quiet as we finish the desserts, that I’m afraid he can hear the erratic pounding in my chest. I’m all too aware of Das Lulu watching us with open curiosity. Her eyes are wide, her mouth slack. When she realizes I’m looking at her, she quickly turns away.

What the heck was that?

I want to thank them for the treat, but I remember not to at the last moment. Instead, I nod with appreciation.

“That was delicious,” I say, my voice high-pitched.

I’m reeling from Rainer’s touch. The kindness in his eyes. The way he ensured Das Celyn is looked after. I need to put space between us before I read too far into his actions or make a fool of myself.

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