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My stomach rumbles, drawing me back to the present. With all the training lately, I’m hungrier than normal.

Glee fills me as I step into the hallway, still able to leave without the barrier stopping me. At least Rainer isn’t mad at me for invading his space. I was worried the fickle fae might’ve reinstated the barrier to keep me locked away after last night.

I hang a left toward the stairs, on a mission to find food, and ask Das Celyn what our duties are today.

The kitchen is mostly empty when I arrive through the swinging double doors, save for two fae.

My shoes squish against the shiny floors as I pass a female with freckles. Her long brown hair is spotted white with flour as she kneads dough. A stout fellow talks animatedly at her side, a rhythmic whoosh coming from his whisk as he stirs whatever is in his bowl.

My stomach growls and they eye me curiously. I haven’t met these two yet; they’re unfamiliar.

“Where’s Das Celyn?” I ask.

The female shrugs.

I wonder if that means we’re not working today.

Passing the ovens, countertops, and various cupboards and shelves packed with cooking utensils, I make my way to the back wall. The faes’ eyes burn into my back, but I ignore them as I pull open one of the few doors I know leads to a pantry.

The dark room is lined with shelves, filled with herbs, berries, flowers, and spices of all sorts. It’s bigger than mine and Char’s shared bedroom back in Dovenak.

Scanning the baskets and boxes of goodies, I search for something to snack on. When I come across a basket filled with thumbnail-sized berries shaped like crescent moons, curiosity gets the best of me. The berries are pushed off into a corner on a low shelf, but it’s the silver-blue iridescent coloring that holds my attention.

I snag the basket and sniff the small fruit cautiously. The berries smell sweet, citrusy. Absolutely divine. My mouth salivates, and I’m tempted to throw all caution to the wind and give them a try.

I’ve never seen anything like them back in Dovenak. If they weren’t safe they wouldn’t be in the pantry, so accessible on a low shelf.

Das Celyn has never mentioned anything being off limits for me in here—we often snack as we work.

I plop a berry into my mouth. It explodes in a delicious burst of sweetness, with a hint of sourness.

“Mmm,” I hum appreciatively.

I reach for a couple more, closing my eyes and savoring the unique flavor as I munch on them. They’re so good, I can’t stop. Loud laughter rings through the kitchen as I grab a few more. Startled, I almost drop the basket. I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand and carefully place the fruit basket back where I found it. I poke my head out of the door to see the two servants are still going at it, pulling fresh baked goods from the oversized oven.

The fae prince himself stands before the servants, as they smile up at him with bright eyes.

“Take a tray to Das Celyn,” Rainer tells the male fae. “Along with the whole oat porridge.”

“They won’t accept, Prince,” the male says right as the female says, “They haven’t been eating much lately.”

“Not acceptable. Tell them these were sent from the prince, that he insists they eat. They are prohibited from resuming tasks until they eat something.”

“As you wish, Prince.” The male bows his head and scurries away with a tray.

“Wait,” Rainer calls after him. When the male pauses and looks back, Rainer says, “Das Lulu can manage the kitchens alone today. Send for Das Celyn’s family in the village. Perhaps a visit will do them some good.”

Surprise roots me in place.

Rainer is trying to get Das Celyn to eat?

My skin grows clammy. I practically accosted Das Celyn, slinging accusations of Rainer withholding their food. They warned me that I shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

How right they were.

It’s clear that Rainer isn’t the reason for Das Celyn’s starving, bony frame, or bad attitude. In fact, it seems like the opposite. Like he cares about the state they're in and wants to help.

The revelation softens my heart toward the prince even further. He’s not cruel—he’s misunderstood.

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