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Rainer sighs, and beckons me into a door at the top of the stairs, leading me into what appears to be yet another small sitting room. With one window facing out into the yard, the only light comes from the bonfire down below, casting just enough of an orange glow to peek around the space. A few shelves filled with dark, dull spines line the space. There’s a worn sofa and a couple of wingback chairs in a semicircle in the middle of the room, and a writing desk pressed up against the wall beside the door.

I step towards one of the shelves, eager to see the titles, when my foot catches on the area rug and I trip.

My hand flashes out, and I try to grab the desk and steady myself, but I miss. I go all the way down, slicing my palm on the sharp edge of the desk instead, and landing heavily on my knees.

“Gods!” I hiss, cursing under my breath. It stings, but it’s definitely not the worst wound I’ve endured.

Rainer runs to my side. “Did you hurt yourself?”

“No,” I lie.

My knees burn where they hit the carpet, and my hand stings where I sliced it, but I won’t admit that. Tears well in my eyes, but I blink rapidly to hold them back. Balling my wounded hand up, I hope that it isn’t bleeding enough to drip on my dress. I’d hate to ruin it.

I’m hyperaware of Rainer kneeling down beside me. He sits on his knees, leaning over me. We’re close. We’re alone. And he’s staring at me with a heated gaze, inches from my face. I bite my bottom lip to silence myself from saying something stupid.

“Let me see,” he says sternly.

I’m attuned to his body heat, and the way both of our chests rise and fall at a quicker pace than normal. His scent of rose and clove encompasses me, drowning me in the best way.

Muffled voices and the music of the party fade away as I tune everything out. Everything but Rainer and his beautiful blue eyes. His usually expressionless face is now filled with the same emotion I feel.

“Be careful or I might think you actually care,” I whisper.

“I do care.” His voice comes out in a low rumble, but he doesn’t freeze up or look away this time.

“Why do you wear such an apathetic mask, Rainer? I know that’s not you.” Not after spending time with you in our dreams.

“That’s where you’re wrong.”

I shake my head, wishing he could see himself through my eyes right now—how vulnerable, kind, and warm he is. If only it was as easy as that.

“But it’s not,” I whisper. “In my dreams you’re—”

“Dreams aren’t reality, Alessia.” His tone is cold as he slams his eyes shut. “This is reality. And I am what I am—a monster. A demon.”

My heart pangs for him. For whatever he’s going through. He doesn’t deserve to brave it alone. “Your demons don’t define you.”

“I don’t have demons.” His voice gets loud with frustration. “I am the demon, Alessia.” I shake my head, opening my mouth to disagree, but he continues, “You don’t know what I’ve done. What I’ve gone through.”

My features twist. “Then tell me.”

He shakes his head. “It’s my burden to carry, not yours. You don’t deserve to be stuck with me.” Stuck with him? What is he talking about? He broke the oath binding us, didn’t he? “I’m a demon cursed with malice. And you, sweet Alessia, are a human cursed with mercy.”

“Mercy isn’t a curse,” I whisper.

My forehead wrinkles in confusion. He’s speaking in riddles.

“It is a curse when you’re as unforgivable as I am,” he whispers.

The air between us grows thicker.

“We’re all a little unforgivable at times. Me included.”

We sit there in silence, his face contorting in pain.

Before I can second guess myself, I let my attraction to him rule and allow myself to take action. I lean up, without hesitation, and press my lips to his. Even though I’m trembling with need, the kiss I gift him is soft and controlled.

It’s to seal my words and show him I care. I don’t know why, and maybe I shouldn’t, but I do.

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