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He was pleased with himself for that particular detail. After all, women loved to be pampered and given their choice of clothing, right? His two younger sisters did, anyway. Printed clothes weren’t as good as handmade ones, but they would do for a start. He noticed she seemed to have a particular attachment to his silk shirts. Soon enough, he would have her outfitted in the finest silks, if that was what she desired. And he’d be sure to include several of his shirts and pajamas. He liked her wrapped in his scent.

She scraped her fingers through her hair and twisted it into a knot at her nape. A few dark strands escaped, framing her lovely face. “Not yet. I’d like to see your city first, if that’s okay. I’ve never been to Tigros before, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful.”

His heart gave a little squeeze as she looped her arm through his and gave him a soft smile that warmed him to the very core of his soul. She wanted a tour of the city? She’d get the best damn tour of her life.

“Holy shit, there are a lot of stairs in this city,” Seraiah said with a breathless laugh. She paused on a landing next to a whitewashed house with a hot pink door flanked by a pair of planters, bright pink flowers spilling over the edges. “I mean, I knew Tigros was built into the mountainside, but wow. Good thing all that tree climbing has kept me in shape.”

He took the opportunity to admire her backside. “Indeed,” he said, his eyes heavy-lidded.

She rolled her eyes and took in the view. “Sure is pretty here.”

Zarin’s chest puffed out with pride. “My city is the most beautiful on the planet.” Granted, not many would call Cinzia a beautiful planet, considering it was best known for its endless deserts, intimidating mountain ranges, and lawless provinces. But there were many spectacular areas, as well. One just needed to know where to look.

“Okay,” Seraiah said, a smile curling her lips.

His eyebrows crashed together. She didn’t like his city? She had to. It was now her city, too. He swept out a hand, gesturing at the vista before them. “It is. You dare to suggest otherwise?”

The setting of the first sun painted the sky and the whitewashed cliff side houses shades of red and orange. Light played off the surface of the deep spring-fed lake that curved around the base of the city, making it sparkle like stars in the night sky.

“So defensive, your majesty.” She giggled and patted his arm. “You act like I pet your fur backwards. Don’t worry. I think your city is beautiful.”

With a satisfied nod, he kissed her wrist and tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. “Good. I want you to like it here.”

She was quiet a moment, then said, “Because you want me to stay with you.”

“You are staying with me,” he said, resuming their climb. After the long day they’d had touring the city and meeting their people, he should take her back to the palace, but there was one more place he wanted to take her. “I believe I’ve made that perfectly clear.” Right? Maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he’d made a misstep along the way. “Do you not want to stay?” Please say yes, he thought, his chest tight. Dropping to his knees in the middle of town and begging her to stay would belie the strong, capable leader he fought hard to portray to his people. But if he had to do that in order to keep her here, he would.

Nibbling on her bottom lip, she gave a slow nod. “I do…”

“But?” he asked, his heart pounding in his throat. It was the closest to a solid yes he’d heard so far. He’d do anything to scrub away any doubts she was having.

She blinked those wide forest green eyes at him and whispered, “But my family.”

“Ah. Your family,” he said, relief washing over him. Family, he could handle. There were a multitude of solutions to deal with that problem. He puffed out his chest, giving her a regal look. “You needn’t worry on that score. Parents love royalty.” Granted, that was not always true, but he found that his title eased the way and greased the wheels in most situations.

“Pfft. Royalty,” she said, waving away the most powerful weapon in his arsenal. “My family was considered royalty before we were forced to flee our home planet. My sister is getting married to the leader of the Kalln Territory. Your title, even with its long and storied history, means little to them. What you ought to be worried about is how they’ll react to you when you escort me home.”

He cocked his head. “Why?”

“You abducted me, remember? I highly doubt my family is going to welcome you with open arms. You’re charming, there’s no doubt about that, but I’m not certain it’s enough to charm your way into my parents’ good graces. Not to mention my aunties, uncles, and cousins. Ooh, and my sisters.” She huffed out a laugh, her eyes sparkling with glee. “They’re going to a have a field day with you.”

“Ah,” he said, rubbing a hand over the stubble on his chin. “So, you don’t think I can charm your family? I do believe I will take that challenge.” He gave her a wink and slid his hand to the small of her back, guiding her under a rose-covered arbor. “But let us put the issue of your family aside for a moment while you experience the best afternoon tea of your entire life.”



Zarin’s confidence in his ability to avoid Death By Parents eased her anxiety somewhat. And, quite honestly, after the initial anger at her abduction, her family would probably be thrilled to discover she found someone who made her happy and who cared about her, once he fully abased himself for abducting her and scaring them half to death, that was.

Realizing Zarin was prepared to handle whatever her family threw at him and even embraced the challenge eased some of her concerns. Because, though she only just met the man, she was experiencing some pretty strong feelings for him.

She snuck a glance at him through her lashes, biting back a smile at the pride he displayed as he showed her around his city. Her heart swelled with emotion when she thought about spending more time — possibly a lifetime, even? — with him. Could it be love?

Maybe? She had plenty of experience with lust, crushes, infatuation, yearning, and all that. She’d even been in love before and had her heart shattered when he broke it off and married someone else a season later. Taking the leap, trusting that the other person would be there to not only catch her but not drop her was so hard. Zarin had his arms out to catch her, but would he hold on?

He said she was his mate. She felt their connection. But she was afraid. What if she jumped, and he caught her, but then got tired of her or realized that, for the sake of his kingdom, he needed to marry someone with the proper bloodlines to be his queen and give him little baby royals?

The warmth of his palm where it rested on the small of her back grounded her, pulling her from her spiral. The adoration in his eyes warmed her soul and eased the tension in her shoulders.

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