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After all, finding true love was all about taking a chance. Bold Seraiah already decided to take the leap. Chickenshit Seraiah needed to take a seat and let her counterpart guide them. Her heart hurt at the idea of leaving him and returning to her home in Cywillada. She wanted to stay with him and kiss him some more, tease him and let him give her mind-blowing orgasms.

If that was love, then she was in it.

She sighed to herself and allowed Zarin to guide her into a tiny cafe with a weather-worn blue door. A bell that jingled merrily as they entered. In front of a wall of windows overlooking the lake far below, five round tables, each with a pair of blue and white woven chairs, filled the narrow space. There was barely enough room to walk single-file. The opposite wall was filled with artwork of varying styles and skill levels. She paused in front of an abstract that brought to mind the peace she felt when standing at the center of a copse of trees.

“Your majesty!” A tiny lady, all hunched back and white-haired, burst through a beaded curtain and charged at Zarin, her arms akimbo. “I was so pleased to hear you were coming to visit me today.”

“My Lady Winifred,” Zarin said, giving her a low bow.

Ignoring his formality, she flung herself at him, and he caught her with a laugh, spinning her around once before carefully setting her back on her feet. She patted her cloud of hair and turned to Seraiah with bright blue eyes that matched the cafe’s decor. “And who have you brought to see me?”

Zarin put his hand on her back, guiding her forward. “This is Seraiah, Mistress of Trees and my future wife.”

Mistress of Trees? Seraiah gave him a startled look. Wife? She swallowed hard and plastered on a wobbly smile.

Lady Winifred beamed at them, her cat-like ears perking up, their long white tufts twitching. She grasped Seraiah’s hands in an iron grip, tugging her down to kiss her cheeks. “Oh, my dear. I am so pleased to meet you.” She looked over at Zarin with a sly grin. “So, my little cat has finally found his mate.”

Her heart skipped at being called his mate. “I’m very pleased to meet you, Lady Winifred,” she said, biting the inside of her cheek at the nickname.

“Oh, please. None of that stuffy politeness for me. Call me Winnie,” she said, giving Seraiah’s hands a squeeze and guiding her to a table. “I hear you’re the one who’s going to fix our sacred olive trees.”

“Winnie was my mother’s best friend,” Zarin said, pulling out the chair for Seraiah before taking the seat opposite. His knees slid along her thighs as he adjusted his long legs to fit beneath the tiny table.

“And this one’s tutor after she passed,” she added, patting his cheek. “Little cat was too smart for his own good. Needed to keep his mind occupied so he wouldn’t get into trouble.”

Zarin huffed out a laugh. “You tried your best, anyway.”

She tsked. “Headstrong, this one, just like his mother.” Winnie beamed at him, flashing sharp white teeth, then turned a warm smile on Seraiah. “You look absolutely parched, you poor sweet girl. Has this naughty boy been hauling you around the city with no care for your well being?” She tsked again and shook her head. “And here I thought I taught you better than that, Zarin.”

He schooled his expression into one of contrition, his eyes glinting with humor.

“He’s taken very good care of me, Lady Winnie,” Seraiah said.

He had, too. He’d been a perfect gentleman as they explored the city, his guards unobtrusively surrounding them while they snacked on deep fried treats and seasoned meats on sticks, poked around a pop-up farmer’s market, and walked up and down more stairs than she cared to think about. The burn of her thighs was reminder enough.

But he deserved some payback for snatching her away from the Cywillada grove before she could stake the youngest trees. Maybe the storm hadn’t hit as hard on that side of the mountain range. She shot Zarin a wicked grin. “After he abducted me, that is.”

Her hands on her hips, Winnie drew herself up to her full height of four-foot nothing. “Zarin Silvestris Soroush Aurata. I know you did not abduct this lovely lady without a by-your-leave.”

She snickered. “Ooh, the full name,” Seraiah whispered to him. “You’re in trouble, little cat.”

Nudging her thigh with his knee, he turned a sickeningly bright smile on Winnie. “I couldn’t resist, Winnie love.” He put a hand over his heart and gestured at Seraiah. “I mean, look at this brilliant beauty in front of me. As soon as I saw her, I knew she had to be mine.”

Winnie let loose a heartfelt sigh, her eyes practically turning heart-shaped. “Ah, I do miss the old ways. There’s something so romantic about a man falling so desperately in love that he cannot resist literally sweeping his beloved off her feet.”

Zarin shot Seraiah a triumphant grin and mouthed, “I win.”

Biting back a smile, she said, “In his effort to win my heart, he did promise me the best afternoon tea in the city.”

“Smart boy,” Winnie said, squeezing his cheek with a grip that looked painful. “Give me two shakes of a catkin’s tail, and we’ll have that out for you.” She disappeared behind the curtain, bellowing for her assistant.

Seraiah folded her fingers together and rested her chin on them, grinning at Zarin.

He gave her a wary look. “What?”

“You brought me to meet your second mom.”

He huffed. “You were getting cranky about all the stairs, and I thought this was the perfect time to stop and have a snack before returning to the palace.”

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