Page 26 of Primal Claim

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He was on the verge of coming, his body tense with anticipation. He gasped as he fought to hold on, to savor this moment for as long as he could. "Rael," he moaned, his voice trembling with need.

Rael responded with a low growl, his hand tightening around Elian's cock. He jerked Elian off harder, faster, pushing him towards the edge.

Elian gasped and bucked, his body shaking as the pleasure built to a crescendo. Finally, he couldn't hold back any longer. Elian came with a cry, his release painting the ground.

The world spun around him as the pleasure washed over him. He felt boneless, as if he could melt into Rael's arms and never move again. He struggled to catch his breath, his chest heaving as he tried to fill his lungs.

Before he could say anything, Rael spoke, his voice rough and low. "Now go back into the river. Scrub yourself clean again."

The words hit Elian like a slap. This was really just about his pheromones?

"Y-yeah. Sure." Elian nodded, his head still spinning. He turned and walked back into the river, his legs shaking with every step. The water was cold against his overheated skin, sending a shiver down his spine.

As he dunked himself under the water, he risked a glance back at Rael. The Borraq was still watching him, his eyes filled with desire. Elian's gaze drifted lower, taking in the obvious bulge in Rael's pants. He swallowed, his body responding to the sight with a renewed hunger.

He wanted to help Rael, to give him the same pleasure he had received. But Rael had been clear.

He had told Elian no.

Elian dunked himself under the water again, closing his eyes. But even in the darkness, he could still see Rael — the need of his body, and the heat in his eyes.

Chapter eleven

The woods were thick and green around them, the air alive with the chirping of unseen creatures. Rael led the way, his senses on high alert.

It was a beautiful world, Vasz. Rael had fought for it, bled for it, and kept his territory safe. This was his home. But to truly know it, he had to know its dangers — and Vasz had plenty of those.

Elian followed at Rael's back, his steps light. He seemed to enjoy the journey, his gaze constantly flicking from one sight to the next. Today, he stared at a pair of enormous birds, their wingspan nearly as wide as the path they walked. The birds ignored the travelers, focused instead on tearing apart a morsel between them.

Rael didn't have the heart to tell the human what kind of birds those were, and what kind of carcass they were sharing.

It was a grueling journey. They were taking paths that Rael was certain no human had ever walked. The main path between the outpost and the city of Yattara was easier — safe, well-traveled — but too easy.

Too open.

Rael kept scanning their surroundings, his sharp eyes missing nothing. The smug look on Korvax's face was seared into his mind. That slippery bounty hunter wouldn't give up so easily, not with the size of the bounty on Elian's head.

Korvax was ruthless, sadistic even. Rael had seen the aftermath of some of his 'hunts.' Leaving Elian's fate to that monster wasn't an option.

They needed to stay off the beaten path, find some obscure trails to slip through. Rael assessed their location, calculating the distance they'd covered, the terrain they'd passed through. A few miles ahead, there was a cave system, well-hidden and easily defensible.

"We'll make camp early," he announced, not breaking stride. "Find shelter in a cave. Then we'll move again under cover of night. We'll be harder to track that way."

Elian simply nodded, his stride faltering only slightly as he adjusted to the new plan. The human was resilient, Rael had to give him that. Most wouldn't have fared half as well on a journey like this.

As they neared the cave entrance, Rael took the lead, his ears pricked for any signs of danger. The musty scent of minerals and dampness reached his nostrils, but nothing alarming. He signaled for Elian to enter, following him deeper into the cool darkness.

The darkness swallowed them both as they entered the cave. Rael's senses strained in the near-absence of light, the air thick with the scents of earth and damp. He could just barely see the cave walls and ground, his night vision working hard, but it was enough to navigate by.

Elian paused, hesitant. "I… I can't see."

"You can't?" That took Rael by surprise. Humans couldn't see in the near-dark? They really were such delicate things.

Rael placed a hand on Elian's shoulder. "Here. Walk with me. The way is clear."

It must have been a leap of faith to step blindly into the dark on nothing but the word of your captor, but Elian did it. He walked hesitantly, reaching out with each foot first, sweeping for obstacles, but he kept up with Rael.

Elian was no ordinary human. Rael had seen the depths of the man's courage, his resilience. There was something about him, something that set him apart from the rest of his kind.

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