Page 25 of Primal Claim

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Rael's intense gaze pierced into him, the tension between them sizzling like a livewire. Elian's breath caught in his throat as their eyes locked, a thousand unspoken words and desires passing between them in that heated silence.

Rael broke the stillness, his deep rumble cutting through the tension. "If you're done, I need to reapply the pheromone-blocking salve."

A flicker of disappointment sparked within Elian at Rael's all-business tone, but it was quickly doused by the shiver of anticipation that raced through him at the thought of the Borraq's hands on his body again.

Elian gave a small nod, unable to find his voice. He turned, putting his back to Rael. The Borraq was behind him, close enough that Elian could feel the heat of his body.

Then Rael's hands began to rub the salve into Elian's skin. The touch was firm, confident, as if Rael had rubbed this stuff into a hundred other humans before. The salve was cool at first, but as Rael worked it into Elian's skin, it began to warm.

Elian drifted on the sensation, the chill of cool water, the dappled sunlight on his bare skin, the clean feeling of the river water and the fresh air…

He wasn't supposed to be enjoying this. Rael was his captor. But as Rael worked the salve into his skin, massaging his shoulders, tracing down his spine, all thoughts of their roles began to fade away. Pleasure hummed through Elian's body, lulling him into a warm, hazy fugue state.

He tried to shake off the feeling, to focus on the fact that he was a captive, that he was at the mercy of an alien, that he was naked and being touched by a being who could do whatever he wanted…

No, that was definitely the wrong thing to think! Elian stiffened as desire began to bloom within him, a sweet ache that demanded more.

He bit his lip, trying to fight it. There was no way that he was going to beg for something to happen! No way that he wanted more from a situation that was already insane, no way that he wanted to feel pleasure at the hands of a captor, no way that he wanted to be touched by a hot alien warlord in the middle of a forest with the sun on his bare skin…

There was no way that he wanted all of that.

But he did.

And, naked as he was, there was no way to hide the proof of his desire, jutting out in front of him, throbbing with need. Oh, jesus.

Rael's hands slowed as they drifted lower, rubbing the salve into Elian's ribs with firm, purposeful strokes. Elian could feel the tension radiating off the Borraq in waves. Maybe Rael wouldn't notice…

Yeah, fat chance. A growl rumbled from Rael, the sound vibrating through Elian's body. The Borraq leaned in, his mouth inches from Elian's ear. "I'm trying to hide your scent," he said, his voice dark and tight. "And here you are, throwing off even more pheromones and undoing all my hard work."

Elian swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly dry. He searched for levity, forcing a joking tone. "Well, you did say that humans are always devious, right?"

Rael let out a snort of amusement, the sound stirring the fine hairs on the back of Elian's neck. "That I did."

Elian's heart raced as Rael's hand drifted lower, his touch sending electric jolts through Elian's body. He couldn't help the way his body reacted to the Borraq's touch, the way his cock throbbed with need.

"I can't help it," Elian breathed, his voice shaking with desire.

Rael let out a low growl. "Then I'll just have to deal with it," he rumbled.

Elian groaned as Rael's fingers dipped to his cock, tracing his length with a feather-light touch. He leaned back into Rael's strong chest, his head falling back onto the Borraq's shoulder.

Rael chuckled, the sound sending vibrations through Elian's body. "Humans are so similar to Borraq in some ways," he murmured, his breath hot against Elian's ear. "But so different in others."

Elian didn't have time to wonder what that meant. His thoughts scattered like startled birds as Rael's powerful hand, still slick with salve, enveloped his cock. He gasped, arching his back as he leaned into Rael's solid chest. The Borraq's free hand gripped his hip, anchoring him in place, a captive to the alien's touch. The contrast between the cool morning air and Rael's burning touch sent shivers down his spine, making him tremble with anticipation.

Rael began to move his hand, stroking Elian with a rhythm that made his heart pound. Each stroke was a blend of rough and tender, a testament to the alien's strength and the surprising gentleness he held within. Elian's breath hitched, his body responding to Rael's touch with a hunger he hadn't known he possessed. He gasped, his fingers digging into Rael's muscular arm as he rocked his hips, chasing the pleasure that was building within him.

As he moved, he felt Rael's hardness press against his ass, the alien's desire evident even through the fabric of his pants. The realization sent a thrill through him, a heady mix of fear and excitement.

He'd done that? Rael was hard over him? He couldn't believe he had this effect on Rael, a Borraq alpha, a man who was supposed to be his enemy. It was a thought that sent his head spinning, making his heart race even faster.

He reached back, wanting to touch Rael, to give him the same pleasure he was receiving. But Rael caught his wrist, his grip firm but not painful.

"Focus on your own needs," Rael growled into his ear, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through Elian's body.

The command was clear, leaving no room for argument. Elian whimpered, his body shivering with need as he obeyed, focusing on the pleasure that was building within him.

Elian's body trembled, a raw nerve exposed to the alien air. The anticipation of his impending climax left him vulnerable, as if he were standing naked before a crowd, every secret laid bare.

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