Page 65 of Malone's Fate

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Tanner looked up as the door to the interrogation room opened and Jake stepped in.

“Fuck. Finally. Am I free to go?”

“We interviewed some witnesses. They all said that you grabbed that guy, Tanner.”

“Because he touched my girl.”

“Your girl?” Jake sat across from him. “She said nothing about being yours.”

He ran his hand over his face. “Fuck. Fine. She’s not mine. But I know Lilac. We met six months ago. I’m not going to stand by while some asshole puts his hands on her. Fuck. I wouldn’t do that for any woman in Haven. I can’t believe you’d expect me to.”

“Of course I wouldn’t. But I also don’t need you to escalate the situation. That was a full-on bar brawl. The two Docs had to get out of bed to come and patch people up. Do you know how fucking mad Curt is that I got Jenna up at one in the morning?”

“Is Lilac okay?” Worry filled him. He’d been so angry seeing that asshole touch her that he hadn’t seen anything but him.

“She got checked over and went home.”

Relief flooded him. Thank fuck.

“My brothers?” he asked.

“They’re waiting for you. Listen, I’m not charging you since that guy grabbed Lilac and you defended her. But you need to get yourself under control. Throwing punches and getting mad isn’t always the best way to deal with things.”

He wanted to tell Jake where to stick his advice. What did he know about shit? But the truth was, he kind of had a point. Tanner had spent most of his life doing whatever he wanted. Shoot out the tires of a car on his property, sure. Get banned from most of the bars in the county, yep.

But this time, he actually wondered if he’d made the right choice in his actions because . . . what if something had happened to her while he was busy fighting?

Thank fuck she was all right.

Walking into the main area, he saw Raid and Beau waiting on him.

Beau grinned when he saw him. “Aww, I told Jake he should just lock you up and throw away the key. But then he threatened to lock me up if I didn’t shut up. Not that I wouldn’t do well in jail. Everyone would love me.”

Tanner just scowled at him as they walked out. “Love you? Do you want criminals to love you?”

“Why not? Criminals are people too, Tanner.”

“Come on, I need to get home. You staying with us tonight?” Raid asked them both.

“I better go home before Scarlett hears about tonight. Is your girl okay?” Beau asked.

“My girl?”

“Don’t play coy with me. The girl you just defended in there? She was about to get trampled on when I got to her.”

“What?” Tanner felt ill. “Jake said she got checked over and went home.”

“Must be all right, then. She looked a bit pale and frightened when I picked her up and carried her away. She seemed like she’d hurt her side.”

“Fuck!” She had? “I need to go make sure she’s all right.” He’d go there right now. Maybe he should take her home with him. Make sure she was properly looked after.

Yep. That was the best idea.

But as he stormed off, Raid wrapped an arm around him.

“Let me go.”

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