Page 66 of Malone's Fate

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“You need to stop,” Raid warned.

“Let. Me. Go.”

Beau moved in front of him. “You can’t go to her now, Tanner.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Because she’s likely asleep, asshole. You want to go terrifying her?” Raid snarled.

No. Of course he didn’t. “But I need to know that she’s all right. She could be alone and hurting.”

“Hannah saw her with a woman the other day,” Raid told him.

She had? Who was she?

“She seemed fine, just a bit shaken,” Beau told him. “She’ll still be there in the morning. But you go there now, and you’ll scare her.”

Fuck. They were right.

But in the morning, he was going to check on her.

* * *

“What do you mean, she’s not here?” Tanner’s heart skipped a beat. Had she left? Where had she gone?

How was he going to find her?

“I mean, she’s not here.” The woman in front of him had her hair teased up so much it almost stood on end. She was in a pair of silky pajamas that clung to her generous curves. Was she a friend of Lilac’s? “She’s at the diner.”

Lilac must have gone to get breakfast. He heard a baby cry in the background and the woman at the door turned away. “I’ve got to go.”

The door slammed shut in his face before he could ask any more questions.

Frustration filled him, but he knew he had to talk to Lilac.

Turning away, he stormed down the path to head around the main house. Linc had a large house with a wraparound porch. He didn’t know how the deputy could afford a place like this on his salary, but it wasn’t his business.

Except for the fact that he was helping Lilac. Why? Linc was a nice guy, but to put up two strange women and a baby in his guesthouse? That seemed . . . odd.

“Tanner.” Linc walked out of his house onto the back porch. “Didn’t expect you here this morning. You here about last night?”

“Sort of. Did you really have to cuff me?”

“Just doing my job. Why’re you here then?” Linc asked.

“Really? That’s all you’ve got for me? No, sorry for being a dick and arresting you?”

Linc sighed. “You didn’t get processed. From what Jake said, some asshole grabbed Lilac and you waded in to help her.”

“How do you know her?” he demanded.


“Yeah. Why is she staying in your guest house?” Tanner asked.

“Don’t think that’s any of your business.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Tanner replied. “Lilac is my business. Or she’s going to be my business.”

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