Page 64 of Malone's Fate

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“He what?” Devon growled.

She failed to notice the anger in his voice. Instead, she moved out from behind the bar, stepping around broken chairs.

“And when I froze, he got angry and pulled me toward him. That’s when Tanner appeared. I fell as he let me go, and then one of the other men at the table tried to punch Tanner. I shoved him to stop him and we landed on the floor.”

“Then what happened?” Jake asked.

She startled. When had he entered the bar?

“Where’s Tanner?” she asked urgently. “Is he all right?”

“He’s been taken to the station for questioning,” Jake told her grimly. “I’d like you to come as well.”

“Questioning? No, no, no, I can’t.” She shook her head, wincing as it throbbed. Nausea bubbled. Shit, she was going to be sick. “I can’t.”

“Okay, it’s all right. We can just talk here,” Jake soothed.

“I can’t have my name on anything.” Crap! She was revealing too much.

Jake eyed her for a long moment. “Then your name will be left off. Just tell me what happened.”

“You . . . you promise?” She shouldn’t trust anyone. She knew that. But if she didn’t tell him what happened, then would Tanner be arrested? What about his brothers?

“I do. I want you to sit down and tell me what happened.”

Taking a seat in the chair that Devon found for her, she went over everything that happened for Jake.

“Right,” Devon said. “You need to get checked over. Linc is helping deal with all of this, so he can’t take you to the hospital.”

“I can,” Devon told them.

“I don’t need the hospital,” she protested.

“Your wrist looks swollen,” Jake said. “And you might have a broken rib.”

“I don’t. I’m fine. Honestly. I’ve had far worse.”

She saw Jake and Devon share a look. Fuck, she had to stop oversharing.

“I’m good. Just . . . you’re not arresting Tanner, are you? He was only helping me.”

“Tanner Malone is a big boy. He can take care of himself. You are the one who needs looking after right now,” Jake told her.


These people were so weird. They didn’t really know her. So why would they care?

“I’m not going to the hospital,” she said firmly. “I can’t.”

“I’ll call Doc and see if he can come out,” Devon said.

She opened her mouth to protest, but they both shot her looks.

“It’s this or the hospital,” Jake told her firmly.

“But Doc will do it off the records,” Devon added.

Great, just what she needed. To spend more money that she didn’t have. But she knew they wouldn’t to listen to her, so she nodded.

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