Page 56 of Malone's Fate

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“But you barely know me. And I’m guessing Tanner is a good customer so isn’t he one of your own?”

“Nope. All of my staff are like my family. I protect them. So, you will let me know, yeah?”

“Yes, thanks, Devon.”

He grunted. “For what it’s worth, the Malones are all good men. Just fucking crazy. Particularly, the younger ones. Get some sleep, honey.”

“Thanks. Night.”

* * *

Why was she spending so much time in his car?

And why was Devon driving her home?

Tanner stood in the shadows of a tree as he watched them. He’d parked his truck a few blocks back when he’d seen Devon’s car stop and jogged the rest of the way, not wanting them to know he was watching. But he was starting to get pissed off.

Had Devon warned him off because he wanted Lilac for himself?

He couldn’t see what they were doing. Why had they stopped outside Linc’s house?

Stepping forward as Devon’s car sped off, Tanner followed her around the back of Linc’s house to his guest house. He’d been to Linc’s a few times. He was a good guy. But Tanner didn’t like that Lilac was staying in his guest house.

He found a spot to stand in, ignoring how cold it was getting. It was after one in the morning, and she was just getting home.

He didn’t like that either.

Fuck. What was wrong with him? He’d he become some sort of stalker. He needed to go home. She wasn’t running. Hell, it seemed like she didn’t even have a vehicle.

None of this was adding up.

Maybe he should pay Linc a visit.

Or perhaps you should just leave since this isn’t any of your business.

Tanner turned to leave when an unexpected noise had him stilling.

Was that a baby crying? He looked over at the guest house. A soft light turned on in the living area and he saw her walk in front of a window. It had to be slightly open because he heard that cry again coming from the bundle of blankets she held against her chest.

Was that a fucking baby?

His stomach dropped as he did the math. No. No, there was no way it could be his. But that meant that she had to have been pregnant when she was with him.

Why the fuck hadn’t she told him? How hadn’t he noticed? Then again, she might not have been showing.

He just . . . he didn’t understand this.

Was the baby the reason she’d run? Had she been worried that he’d notice? Or was there some other reason?

Then the crying stopped and the light turned off.

Wait. Who had been looking after the baby while she was out? Had she left it alone?

Fuck. He had too many questions and not enough answers.

But he was going to get them.


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