Page 55 of Malone's Fate

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A chilly wind hit her. Soon, it would start getting colder and she didn’t have the wardrobe to cope with cooler weather.

“You don’t need to apologize, Devon,” she said. “I feel awful that you’re driving me around. You really don’t have to. I’m fine walking home.”

He opened her passenger door. He really was a gentleman.

“One thing you need to learn about living in Haven is that no man here is going to be comfortable with you walking around at night. If I don’t take you home, anyone who sees you is going to offer you a ride. Or they’re going to call Jake. Did you have a meeting with him yet?”

“Um, no.”

He shut her door and walked around to the driver’s side. His car was fancy, with leather, heated seats.

Ahh, heated seats. So deliciously decadent.

“You’re going to have to.”

“Because of that whole silly guardian thing?” she asked.

“It’s not silly,” he told her sternly.

Right. Maybe it wasn’t, but it seemed awfully unrealistic. People just weren’t this nice.

Mind you . . . everyone she’d met so far had been pretty nice. But surely there was an ulterior motive to it all. Opal had suggested that maybe the entire town was like a giant cult.

To be honest, it made the most sense.

Both she and Ryleigh had warned Opal not to say that out loud anywhere that anyone in this town could hear her.

With Opal, it was a fifty-fifty chance of whether she’d listen to them.

“Linc will probably act as your guardian if you ask him, since you’re staying in his guesthouse.”

“I can’t ask Linc to do anything more for us.”

“Us?” Devon asked.

Shit. Had she not mentioned the others?

“I’ve been traveling around with my friends.”

“You didn’t say anything about them,” Devon said.

“I must have forgotten. Thanks, Devon,” she said as he pulled up outside Linc’s. She undid her seatbelt.

“Before you go, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

She tensed. Great. Was he going to tell her that she couldn’t work there anymore? Shit. That would be a blow. Still, she’d get it after everything that had happened during tonight’s shift.

“I’m sorry about tonight. I won’t break anything else. I just got a shock, seeing Tanner?—”

“Hey, you’re not in trouble.”

“I’m not?” She was jittery with nerves. Her heart felt like it was beating too hard.

“No. Of course not. I just wanted to let you know that if Tanner is upsetting or bothering you, you can let me know. I’ll ban him from the bar if I have to.”

She sucked in a breath. “You’d do that?”

“You work for me now, Lilac. I take care of my own.”

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