Page 57 of Malone's Fate

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“A baby?” Raid repeated. “What the fuck?”

“I know.” Tanner leaned an elbow on the table in Raid and Hannah’s kitchen.

He’d stayed here last night, not wanting to drive back to the Ranch. Besides, the bunk house was kind of quiet and lonely now that all of his brothers had moved out. It was just him. Sure, Alec and Mia were close by in the big house. And Flick and West weren’t far away. Neither were the others, really. Only Raid and Hannah had moved into Haven.

But he’d always been closest to Raid. And Alec.

“Fuck, it can’t be yours, right?” Raid asked.

“No, but she must have been pregnant when I met her.”

“She didn’t look it.”

“But neither did Flick until she was further along, right? I just can’t believe I didn’t know . . . that she didn’t tell me.” He felt sick. “And what is she doing working nights and leaving the baby home?”

“She must have had someone watching the baby. She’s really in Linc’s guest house? How does he know her?”

“I dunno. But I’m going to find out.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” Raid asked.

He frowned. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because she fucking ghosted you, man. You were upset for ages about it.”

“I wasn’t upset.”

“You were. You cried like a baby each night. Moped around like a dog without a bone.”

“I did not, you asshole!” Tanner grabbed Raid in a headlock right as Hannah walked in.

She shook her head at them. “Do not break any of my furniture.”

“No, ma’am!” Tanner winked at her.

“Or my man,” she added.

“He can’t break me, I’ll break him.” Raid elbowed Tanner. Hard.

“Ouch, fucker,” he muttered as he let him go.

Raid moved to Hannah and took her face in his hands, kissing her deeply.

When he drew back, Hannah was staring up at him with a dreamy look on her face.

Tanner wanted that.

Fuck. What? No, he didn’t, right?

He didn’t need a relationship.

No? Then why the hell are you back to being obsessed with Lilac?

It was only that he wanted an explanation.

“Sorry the date didn’t work out last night, Tanner,” Hannah said sweetly.

“Nothing for you to apologize for, darlin’,” he told her. “We just make better friends.”

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