Page 54 of Malone's Fate

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So thin. Painfully so. Why? She’d been curvy and gorgeous before. Smiling. Happy.

Or was that what she wanted you to see? What if it was all an act?

How would he know? He was beginning to see that he hadn’t known her at all.

“She’s gorgeous.”

He startled, staring down at Carlie, who had come up beside him.


“I’m two for two on the asshole charts tonight,” he muttered.

“Are you?” She raised her eyebrows.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Carlie. I understand if you’re completely pissed off with me for leaving you like that. It’s just . . . I haven’t seen her in six months. It was like seeing a ghost. But that’s no excuse for being a dickhead.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Tanner. Yeah, if this was a regular date, I’d be hurt. But we both agreed to do this to keep Raid and Hannah from nagging us.” She winked at him.

He blew out a sigh of relief. “I don’t deserve you being this good about it all, but thank you.”

“What are you going to do? She seems like . . . like she’s in trouble.”

He ran his hand over his face. “You could sense that, huh?”

“You’d have to be blind not to see it.”

Fucking hell.

She walked off after squeezing his arm.

Looking around, Tanner spotted Devon giving him a dirty look.

Fine. He was leaving.

But he wouldn’t be going far.


“Come on, honey. Time to head home.”

Lilac jolted awake. Shit. Had she fallen asleep? How had that happened?

She was still in the staff room at Dirty Delights. Devon had asked her to wait for a few minutes so he could drive her home.


At the end of her first shift, Devon had insisted on walking her to her car. Instead of telling him she didn’t have a car, she’d chosen one at random.

As they’d gotten closer, he’d beeped the locks.

Yeah . . . to her embarrassment she’d chosen his car.

So now he insisted on driving her home until she had her own mode of transport.

She felt terrible that he kept having to drive her home after every shift.

“Sorry I kept you waiting, honey,” he apologized as they walked out to his car.

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