Page 49 of Malone's Fate

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He was way too fucking close, and Tanner saw red. “Get away from her.”

Both of them turned to look at him. Lilac’s mouth dropped open as she gaped at him in shock.

Devon just folded his arms over his chest, glaring at him. “This is the staff area, Tanner. Last time I looked, you weren’t on my payroll.”

Tanner scowled. He didn’t give a fuck if this was the President’s private toilet; if Lilac was here so was he.

He strode over to her. “Let me see.”

“T-tanner,” she stuttered.

“Let. Me. See.” He couldn’t handle any bullshit right now.

“Obviously, the two of you know each other,” Devon said. “But, Lilac, if he’s making you uncomfortable, I will kick him out.”

“No, you won’t. Because she’s mine,” Tanner snapped.

Lilac sucked in a breath and Devon narrowed his gaze at him. “That’s news to me. Seems like it might be news to her too. Lilac, are you Tanner’s?”

“I . . . we met six months ago. Then I . . .”

“Disappeared without a word. Never even left me a message. Then you turn up in my town. I think that means you owe me an explanation.”

Before she could answer, someone called out for Devon.

“Shit. I need to get out there. Lilac, want me to get rid of Tanner?”

Tanner growled at Devon. Fuck, he’d never made a noise like that in his life, but he was unable to help himself.

He wasn’t going anywhere.

Lilac looked from Devon to Tanner. Devon would actually kick out Tanner for her? She assumed they knew each other. And Devon barely knew her.

But he was prepared to do what was needed to protect her?

That never happened. The only people to ever protect her were her friends.

“I’m all right with him,” she said quietly. “Tanner won’t hurt me.”

She hoped.

Devon seemed unsure but nodded. “There’s a First-Aid kit under the bench. Make sure you get her cleaned up. And if I hear that you’ve been mean to her, I will not be happy.”

She winced at Devon’s words as he left.

What was she doing? Why had she told him that she’d be all right with Tanner?

Tanner was mad, upset, and he had every right to be.

She couldn’t blame him for that. She knew that seeing him again would be hard. Why hadn’t she gone through all the possible scenarios?

Instead, she’d buried her head in the sand and just thought she’d figure it out when it happened.

But seeing him with another woman tonight . . . it had nearly broken her. Watching him touch her . . . she hadn’t been able to think, to act. Then the glass she’d just picked up had slipped from her hand and fell onto the floor.

She needed to offer to pay for that glass.

Lilac had known there was a chance he would have found someone else, but she guessed she’d been hoping that he might still want her.

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