Page 50 of Malone's Fate

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You idiot.

You don’t deserve him.

She knew that. Just as she’d figured that he would want an explanation about why she’d disappeared.

You have to tell him something.

What she hadn’t expected was for him to chase her down like this.

“Show me your hand.” Tanner’s voice was low, quiet, but the command in it was clear.

She held her hand out to him; aware it was shaking. He took in a sharp breath.

“What were you thinking?” he demanded as he took hold of it, placing it under the tap before turning on the water.

Clearly, she hadn’t been.

Lilac wasn’t sure she’d been thinking all that well for a long, long time.

“It’s fine,” she whispered as the water cleared the blood away.

“No, it’s not fine. It’s bleeding. What were you doing picking up the glass like that? That was reckless. Have you got no sense of self-preservation?” he ranted as he let go of her hand to reach into the cupboard under the sink.

Lilac blinked at the words, barely able to comprehend them. He was angry over her cutting herself? She thought he was mad at her for leaving the way she had . . . then for reappearing without a word.

Well, she guessed he was likely angry about those things too. But why did he care that she had a small scratch on her hand?

“Let me find you a Band-Aid,” he muttered, searching through the kit.

“It’s just a scratch, though. It doesn’t need one.”

“Yeah, well, you’re getting one. It’s that or I call Doc.”

“You can’t call a doctor over a scratch!”

“Watch me,” he growled. Finding some antiseptic, he gently put it on the cut, then placed a Band-Aid over it. “What’s this red patch?”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she dismissed.

“Looks like a burn.”

“It was just from a coffee spill.”

He muttered to himself as he grabbed out some burn cream and slathered it on. Actually, that did feel good.

“You need to keep that cut dry and watch it doesn’t get infected,” he ordered, putting the First-Aid kit away.

“It’s a scratch.” She knew she sounded like a broken record, but she couldn’t stop saying it. No one had ever fussed over her like this before.

It was bizarre.

It felt like her mind just couldn’t comprehend what was going on.

“You need to take care of it, or I will have you at the doctor’s so fast that your head will spin,” he told her.

“Why do you care?” she asked.


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