Page 48 of Malone's Fate

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Except . . . she left you. Ghosted you. She didn’t want you.

So, if she didn’t want him, what was she doing here? Why come to his town?

Was it for him?

“Lilac, drop the glass, honey. You’re going to hurt yourself,” Devon told her.

“Don’t call her honey,” Tanner said in a low growl.

Devon gave him a narrow-eyed look.

“I’ve got to clean it all up,” Lilac said, sounding almost frantic as she grabbed another piece of glass. She hissed and worry flooded Tanner as he saw a drop of blood land on the floor.

“Fuck. Lilac, release the glass. Right now.”

Lilac froze, her gaze rising to his.

“Lilac,” he said warningly, putting as much command as possible into his voice.

She placed the glass down, glancing around. Her face grew red, and he swore he could see her eyes glistening with tears.

“I’m so sorry, Devon. I’ll clean it up. I just . . . need . . . a minute.”

“I’ve got this. Go clean up,” Devon reassured her.

“Wait right there, Lilac.” Tanner got to his feet, but by that time she was pushing her way across the room.

Fucking hell.

This girl had to stop running from him.

“Tanner? Everything okay?”

Fuck. He’d forgotten about Carlie. Turning, he gave her an apologetic look.

“Do you know her?” she asked.

“Uh, yeah. I met her about six months ago. But I wasn’t expecting to see her here.”

“I think she hurt herself,” Hannah said worriedly. “Maybe I should go check on her.”

“I’ll go,” he said sharply.

Both women stared at him in shock while Raid scowled at him.

“Watch your tone,” Raid warned, wrapping an arm around Hannah.

“Right. Sorry. Carlie, I’m really sorry?—”

“Go. It’s all right.” Carlie smiled at him.

He felt rude, but he had to check on her.

“I’ll be back soon.” Turning, he rushed off out the back. Devon had already tidied up the glass and disappeared.

A sense of urgency filled Tanner. What if she disappeared on him again? What if she was badly hurt?

He heard some voices coming from farther down the hallway. A door was open, and he looked in to find Lilac standing at a sink, with fucking Devon standing next to her.

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