Page 26 of Malone's Fate

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Tanner was a good guy. She’d met Raid briefly, and he’d seemed like a good guy too.

But the town . . . it sounded too idyllic.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom and then we’ll leave,” Ryleigh said.

They both nodded, watching as she left.

Kye started to cry, and Lilac walked over to where they had set up his bed. It was a wicker basket with a mattress. She had found it in a thrift store. It should hopefully do until he was three months old. If he didn’t grow too big too quickly.

Picking him up, she held him against her chest. Turning, she nearly slammed into Opal.

“Jesus, woman.”

“You’re worried,” Opal said.

“I’m sure this is the best thing to do,” Lilac lied.

“No, you’re not. You’re worried she’s pinned all her hopes on a town that sounds too fucking good to be true. On stories that her fucking useless old man sold her. We barely know these Malones.”

“Tanner is a good guy,” Lilac protested.

“Yeah, but we don’t know the rest of them. And we don’t know how they’ll react to all of this. You and I both know that Stefan isn’t going to just let us go. No matter who we’ve got on our side.”

“We need somewhere safe for Kye, though,” Lilac said. “And this is the best option we have. Plus, you know who their cousin is from that research you did.”

“Yeah, well, maybe we should go to him,” Opal suggested.

“To Regent Malone?” Lilac asked, fear filling her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. He could be just as bad as Stefan.”

“No one is as bad as Stefan,” Opal replied.

They both shuddered.

“We need to do something about Stefan.”

“Yeah? And what are we going to do?”

Lilac let out a deep breath. “I don’t know that part yet.”

That was a lie. She had a plan. Well, more like a rough outline. But if it worked then she hoped she’d save Ryleigh and Opal.

Opal eyed her. “Uh-huh. Well, when you know you need to tell me so I can help.”

Lilac shook her head. “It would be safer for me to do it alone.”

“Safer for who?” Opal asked.

“For you and Ryleigh and this sweet baby.” She breathed in the scent of him. God, she loved him. She’d do anything for him. “He’s innocent in all of this, Opal. I have to protect him.”

“And risk yourself? That’s not the way this works, Lilac.”

“Sure, it is. Ryleigh and Kye have to get through this.”

“And so do you,” Opal said. “We didn’t go through all of this to lose one of us.”

“I’m not planning on dying.” But she wasn’t sure if she cared that much if she did either.

“Glad to hear it. Whatever this plan is, I’m in, provided it isn’t a fucking suicide mission. I didn’t get out of that mess to dive back in. But I’m not letting you die either. So, you just figure out a way to get us out of this fucking mess that doesn’t involve someone other than Stefan dying.”

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