Page 25 of Malone's Fate

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Maybe they would have if it wasn’t for Lilac and her broken heart. Perhaps, even now, they could have been safe.

“Nope,” Opal said. “We did the fucking best we could. We had to get rid of those assholes, then lie low for a while until things died down. Still don’t fucking believe all that hype. It can’t be real. Women being looked after and cared about.” She made a scoffing noise. But Opal was probably the most cynical of them all. “We still need to be sure that they can protect Ryleigh and Kye.”

“And you guys.” Ryleigh’s head shot up, looking over at them both in alarm. “You two are staying with me. Right?”

Lilac glanced over at Opal. The other woman looked uncharacteristically unsure.

“You have to stay!” Ryleigh cried.

“They won’t want us to stay,” Lilac said. “Or me, at least.”

“Well, they don’t get a say, right?” Ryleigh said. “All for one and one for all. Right?”

“We ain’t no musketeers,” Opal told her. “This hair isn’t going under no hat. That would be a crime.” She fluffed her hair. Lilac hated to think about how much damage all the hairspray it took to keep her hair like that was doing to the environment.

But right now, she didn’t have time to worry about the environment. She was busy trying to keep them all alive.

“Okay, so we’re not the musketeers,” Ryleigh said. “We’re like Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey.”

“I’m Donkey!” Opal said.

They stared at her.

“What? We all know it’s true. I’m the funny, likable one.”

“So, which of us is Shrek?” Lilac asked Ryleigh.

“Pretty sure it’s me,” Ryleigh replied. “Maybe Alvin and the Chipmunks.”

“I don’t think so,” Opal replied. “Not unless I’m Alvin. Someone like me has to have a leading role. At least a name.”

“The other chipmunks had names,” Ryleigh protested.

“Yeah? What were they?” Opal challenged.

“Well, hell. I don’t remember.”

Lilac sighed and they both looked at her.

Ryleigh took one of her hands and Opal reached over to grab the other. “You going to be okay, Lilac?”

“He’s going to hate me.” She had to fight back her tears. She’d cried enough.

It was getting ridiculous.

She’d left him. He might hate her, but she could handle it. As long as her friends were safe.

“If he does, I’ll set him straight,” Opal said.

Oh hell.

“No, don’t do that,” she said quickly as Ryleigh attempted to hide her grin. “I’ll talk to him myself.”

“Right. We have a plan then.” Ryleigh looked happier.

Dread filled Lilac. She hated living like this. Never knowing where they were going next. Not having a proper place to call home. So, she should be ecstatic that they had a plan. A place to go.

But all she felt was this sense of doom. Would the Malones actually help?

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