Page 27 of Malone's Fate

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Yeah. She’d get right on that.

“We both know that Ryleigh is the optimist,” Opal said. “The one who has her head in the fucking clouds. We have to look out for her and this one. But you never fucking know, Haven might just be a haven for all of us.”


“Son of a bitch!” Lilac swore as smoke billowed out of the RV’s engine.

Why? Why did life keep sending shitty things her way? She wasn’t a terrible person. All right, so she could be better. But still . . . she’d never hurt anyone deliberately. Sure, sometimes she’d had to do a few dodgy things.

However, when you were trying to keep yourself and your friends alive, the lines between right and wrong could grow a bit blurred.

Still . . . she didn’t think that was bad enough for the world to keep sending shit her way.

Look at Stefan and all the terrible things he’d done. And yet he lived in the lap of luxury doing whatever the fuck he wanted. She gritted her teeth and kept driving.

“This is a fucking problem,” Opal said.

“Tell me about it.”

“Oh my God!” Ryleigh cried out. “Is the engine on fire?”

“Well, not yet.”

“Shouldn’t we pull over?” Ryleigh asked.

Lilac shared a look with Opal. If they pulled over now, they were gonna be walking to Haven—with all their stuff and a three-week-old baby.

Not fucking happening.

And worse still, they’d have nowhere to live since they had no money to tow or fix this thing. They just had to get it to the outskirts of the town.

At least Kye was asleep. They’d been hoping to get to Haven and settled before he woke.

“We’ve got to keep going,” Lilac said.

“It’s smoking!” Ryleigh cried.

“I know. But . . . we don’t have much choice.”

They passed the sign announcing that they’d reached Haven, Texas.

Thank God.

“Someone find me a park or somewhere to stay,” she said urgently.

They were at the outskirts of the town. She could see houses.

“Pull off here,” Opal said. “Take the next right. Then left.”

She drove into a large sports park. This wasn’t ideal, but what other choice did they have?

Stopping the RV under a big tree, they all climbed out. Ryleigh unbuckled Kye’s car seat and carried the whole thing out, so she didn’t wake him.

“Well, this ain’t no fucking good,” Opal said.

Lilac felt the stress building up inside her. What were they going to do now? They couldn’t go anywhere. This park wasn’t exactly a good hiding spot.

They had no money. No vehicle. No home.

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