Page 24 of Malone's Fate

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“I can’t believe he found us in Hopesville,” Ryleigh said, looking pensive. “And that it took us so long to lose his goons again.”

When she’d spotted Stefan’s goons in Hopesville, they’d hightailed it out of there. They’d been on the move for months, too afraid to settle in one place.

But things were different now. They couldn’t keep running like this.

Regret sat like a brick in her tummy. What must Tanner think of her? She hadn’t even been able to text him goodbye. Had he turned up at the bar only for her to stand him up?

Yeah, he had to hate her.

“Stefan’s going to find us again,” Lilac said. Fear filled her. Not for herself. But for Ryleigh and Opal.

And Kye.

“He can’t get his hands on Kye,” Ryleigh whispered.

“There’s no fucking way we’re letting him fucking touch Kye,” Opal said with a scowl.

“What shall we do, though?” Lilac asked.

The other two women, her best friends, shared a look. And she knew what their answer was going to be. She could feel it. They’d been heading down this track ever since she got a job at that bar, hoping to meet one of the Malones.

“We’ve got to go to them,” Ryleigh whispered.

Yeah. They did.

Or at least, Ryleigh did. They’d help her and Kye. Lilac was sure of that. If she’d learned nothing else, she knew the Malones took care of women and children.

At least, ones that didn’t cross them.

“Do you think they’ll accept us?” Ryleigh asked her.

God. This wasn’t what she deserved. None of it. Right now, Ryleigh should be enjoying this stage of her life. Not on the run, scared, worried about the future.

Worried about you.

Lilac had to pull herself together. At least long enough to get them to Haven.

And then she could leave.

“We’re nearly out of fucking cash,” Opal stated. As usual, her hair was teased up to about five times its normal volume. She liked her skirts short and her shoes high. Her make-up could best be described as loud. A lot like the woman herself.

And she was the kindest person Lilac had ever met.

Loyal to a fault. There was nothing that Opal wouldn’t do for them.

“We’ve got to do something, and we all know it,” Opal stated. “So, is this the best fucking option?”

Lilac stared at Ryleigh who was staring out the window. They’d found a place to park up last night, but they’d have to head out soon before someone came along and called the cops on them.

There was a toilet in the vicinity but no showers, so they’d all washed up as best they could with the cold water from the sink.

But Opal was right . . . they had to do something. They were running out of cash and options.

“We’re going to Haven,” she said.

Ryleigh took hold of her hand. “You’re sure? Maybe we can think of something else.”

Lilac let out a breath. “No. We probably should have gone there months ago.”

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