Page 177 of Malone's Fate

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It was like he was trying to lure you into his web with false promises before he bit off your head.

Gruesome? Yes.

Accurate? Also, yes.

She swallowed. “I don’t care about them. But if you kill them, it’s going to leave things messy. The people of this town won’t rest until they find you, including the sheriff.”

He made a scoffing noise. “As if I care about a few hillbillies and an idiot sheriff.” His gaze narrowed. “You’ve gotten some attitude while you’ve been gone. You’ve forgotten that you’re not allowed to lie to me.”

Oh God.

Danger. Danger.

“Believe me, I haven’t forgotten anything.”

Reaching out, he grabbed her by the front of her throat. “You ran from me, Lilac. From. Me. I own you. You do not get to run from me. And then I find you with other men.”

“They . . . I . . . they aren’t my men,” she managed to get out. “They have families.”

“I know. And if they weren’t related to Regent Malone, they’d be dead.”

That meant they were still alive. Thank God.

Stefan drew his hand away from her neck. He watched her closely. “So why were you so concerned about them? Because they’re Ryleigh’s half-brothers?”

“You knew about her half-brothers?”

“Of course I did. You know I always do my homework, Lilac. I knew her old man’s last name before I even met him. I did underestimate you all, though. I never expected you to escape. Or to be able to hide from me for so long.”

Was that pride in his face?

Fucking hell.

He was angry at her for leaving him and proud of her for evading him? This was the problem with Stefan. It was hard to best him when he made no sense.

“Why did you do that? Crash into them? They were bringing me to you.”

He shot her a cold look. “Were they? Or was it a trap? You forget, Lilac, I haven’t lived this long by being stupid.”

“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about. They were going to give me to you in return for you leaving Ryleigh and Opal alone.”

“As though I care about those two stupid sluts. No, I couldn’t trust those assholes you were with. I don’t know them. And I’ve got enough issues.”

“Like what?”

“Well, first, my sister ran from me. Hid from me. I really thought you’d go straight to Ryleigh’s brothers. When I realized you were smarter than I’d given you credit for, I drew my men back from watching this hick town. It wasn’t until your name set off an alert that my guy found you’d been in the hospital here. Lilac Malone.” He leaned into her. “That’s never going to happen, by the way.”

Oh God.


He’d never wanted her to do this. To be a part of this. He was going to be so upset.

She felt ill at the thought.

“You won’t go after Ryleigh and Opal, will you?” she whispered.

He might have said that he didn’t want them, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t punish them from running from him.

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