Page 178 of Malone's Fate

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Stefan waved a hand through the air. “Like I said, I don’t care about those two sluts. They’re not my blood. Ryleigh is tainted and Opal was just a hole to fill.”


But she thought he was telling the truth.

“And me?”

“You’re mine. I’ll have to punish you for leaving. Hmm, perhaps I should have grabbed Opal as well. Or maybe even that baby. I could’ve used either to them to punish you for defying me.”

Don’t vomit. Don’t react.

Her entire body was throbbing with pain.

“You could have killed me, ramming that car into the one I was in,” she pointed out.

“My men were told to do it in such a way that no one was harmed. If you’d been killed, they would’ve suffered my wrath.”

Still, she wasn’t sure if he’d genuinely care if she died or not.

The real question was…did he know that she was in a relationship with Tanner?

Lilac didn’t think that he did, or he would’ve been on the rampage.

She had to fight hard not to show her fear. Or how much her body hurt.

Showing Stefan any weakness was just asking for trouble.

“Why do you want me, Stefan?” she whispered. “Why come after me?”

He stared at her with vicious intelligence. He was so smart. He could be so charismatic. And yet, he had no empathy, no sense of morality. Of right and wrong.

“I’ve told you so many times, my sweet sister. You. Are. Mine.” Reaching out, he brushed his cold fingers down her cheek. She had to fight hard not to shudder. Not to throw up.

How was she going to get out of this? She’d never be able to escape him again. She’d be lucky if he didn’t lock her up.

“What now, Stefan?” she asked.

“Well, I’ve got some plans for you, Lilac. After I spend a suitable amount of time punishing you, of course. I can’t let you get away with this display of disobedience.”

No, Lord forbid that she try to do something he didn’t want her to do.

A shudder worked its way through her.

“And then I’m going to marry you off, build my empire.”

“You . . . you what?” Her mouth was so dry.

Marry her off to whom? Had he decided on someone?

Would they be worse than him? Oh fuck. What was she going to do?

“You’ve made a decision then?”

“Everything will become clear soon,” he said with a drawl as they slowed down.

She looked out the window, despair filling her.

A plane.

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