Page 176 of Malone's Fate

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They climbed into a car she hadn’t seen before. The windows were tinted. West was driving. She and Alec got in the backseat.

“You’re good with what is happening?” Alec asked.

“Yep. I’ve got it all.”

“You stay next to me or West at all times. We lure him out to where Tanner has a shot.”

That part made her feel ill. But she had this.

“What the fuck?” West grumbled. “Alec, we’ve got a tail.”

“What?” Alec turned. “Fuck! I need to call Victor.”

“Shit! He’s coming up fast! I can’t outrun him.”

Panic flooded her as she turned right as the car behind them smashed into the back of them. She screamed but West held the car steady.

Oh God!

She should have known that Stefan would have a plan. That he’d know they were up to something.

Tanner! He was going to be so upset if something happened to them.

Suddenly, a car pulled out from a side road, crashing into the front of them and sending their car spinning.

The last thing she remembered was a loud screeching, yelling, pain.

Then nothing.

* * *

Lilac woke up with a groan. Where was she?

“Hello, sister.”

She stared up into Stefan’s face. He looked cold. Emotionless.

This wasn’t good.

But how did he get her? What happened? Why did her body ache?

Then it came back to her. Driving in the car with West and Alec. Someone tailing them. The crash. Then nothing.

“You crashed into us?” She sat up even though her entire body screamed in pain. As she took stock, she could tell she wasn’t severely injured.

Well, not unless the shock was disguising the pain of an internal injury.

Numbness filled her as she stared out the window of the car they were in. Where were they?

Oh God.

“I had my men stop the car you were in, yes,” he replied.

“West and Alec! What did you do?” Were they all right? Fuck. This is what she’d been trying to avoid . . . anyone else getting harmed.

“Why do you care?” he asked in a soft voice.

Immediately, dread rushed through her. This was Stefan at his most dangerous.

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