Page 175 of Malone's Fate

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“I love you, baby. So, fucking much. Nothing can happen to you. Nothing.”


Today was the day and Lilac was so fucking nervous. She’d been awake all night, unable to sleep.

Tanner had tried to wear her out, giving her three orgasms with his mouth. But it hadn’t helped. Her mind had kept going over everything that could go wrong.

Now it was five in the morning and Tanner was heading out with Maddox, Butch, and Raid to the meeting point. West and Alec were going with her later. Beau and Jaret were staying with all the women and children. Along with Victor Malone and the men he’d brought with him.

He was kind of a scary guy. Silent. Huge. But everyone seemed to trust him to take care of things here.

Alec had called Stefan yesterday afternoon and made all the arrangements for this morning.

It made her shiver, thinking about Stefan, wondering if he was close by.

She hadn’t been there for the negotiations. Alec didn’t want her getting upset.

Tanner had been kept away too. Which was definitely for the best.

“Be safe,” she ordered him, hugging him tight.

She didn’t know where the other men were. They must have said goodbye to their loved ones already.

“I will.” He cupped her face between his hands. “I’ll be fine. We’ll all be there to watch over you. You will be safe. You will do what you’re told. And you will come back to me.”

She nodded, then kissed him, watching him walk out the back door.

“He’ll be okay.”

She glanced behind her to find West standing there, watching her with serious eyes. He wasn’t a happy, easygoing guy. But he had a confidence about him that eased the panic in her tummy.

“I know. Will everyone here be all right?” She didn’t think Stefan would come after them, but she couldn’t be entirely certain either.

Everyone had moved into the big house during the night with Victor’s men helping. Now all of the bedrooms were filled with people.

It was a tight squeeze, but under other circumstances, she might have found it fun. However, no one was in a cheerful mood.

“They will be,” West told her firmly. “Beau, Jaret, and Victor are here. Victor’s men will patrol the Ranch. Oh, and Linc’s here, too.”

She could see that filled him with enthusiasm. None of the Malone men seemed to like the way Linc looked at Ryleigh.

“Go get ready,” West said gruffly. “Let’s get this over with.”

With a nod, she moved upstairs.

After getting dressed, she went downstairs to meet Alec and West. Ryleigh and Opal were there as well. Ryleigh threw herself into Lilac’s arms. “Are you sure it shouldn’t be me going? I feel like it should be. Why you?”

“It’s always been me. In Stefan’s twisted mind, I’m his. I’ll be okay, Ryleigh.”

“Promise?” she asked.

“Promise.” She hugged Opal next.

The other woman held onto her fiercely. “I’ll look after her. But you make sure you come back. Understand?”

“I will.” She glanced over at where West and Alec were hugging Flick and Mia.

Victor stood off to one side, watching over them. Alec spoke to him briefly and Victor nodded.

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