Page 150 of Malone's Fate

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She wondered how the heck that would go.

“Shouldn’t you be downstairs with your brothers?” she asked.

“Why?” he asked as he tucked the blankets around her. “I see their ugly faces all the time.”

“But . . . don’t you want to talk about everything. About Ryleigh?”

“What is there to talk about? She’s our sister and we’re gonna take care of her. She’ll move in here and she’s never allowed to date until she’s fifty. Done.”

She rolled her eyes at him. Only . . . he looked kind of serious.

“You do remember that she has a son, right?”

“Immaculate conception.”


“I won’t believe anything else.”

“Oh my God. You’re utterly insane. What about Linc? He seems interested in her.”

Tanner placed his hand over her mouth. “No. Nope. Not happening. No sister of mine will be involved with a cop.”

“The two of you were friends.”

“More like acquaintances.” He sat on the bed, facing her. Reaching out, he cupped her chin with his hand. “You’re so beautiful.”

Blushing, she lowered her gaze from his. “I’m not.”

“You are. You’re beautiful and precious and mine. I hold on to the things that are mine, pretty girl. I lost you once. I won’t risk losing you again. I can’t.”

She sniffled, her eyes rising to his. “And I don’t want anything to happen to you. It’s the most selfish thing I’ve ever done in my life, falling in love with you.”

Tanner’s face softened as he leaned in to kiss her. This kiss was gentle, soft. Then, it deepened into something more. Something more hotter. Harder. Arousing

A whimper escaped her. She wanted to be closer to him. To have him wrapped around her.

But he drew back, brushing her hair away from her face.

“Tanner,” she whispered. “Come to bed with me.”

A groan escaped him. “God, baby. I want that more than anything. But you’re just out of the hospital.”

“I feel fine.”

He shot her a look.

She bit her lip, looking away. “I don’t like being weak.”

“Look at me.” He waited until she turned back. “Your body might feel weak right now, but there is nothing weak about you. You’re the strongest person I know. However, even strong people know that they need to lean on others now and then. Just let me take care of you. Please.”

There was such longing on his face. Such need in his eyes.

But could she do it?

This was scary. Stefan was terrifying. And she was the one who understood him the best.

“How about this? Let me look after you until you’re feeling stronger physically. Then I’ll let you help us take him down. I’m not stupid, I know we’ll need you.”

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