Page 151 of Malone's Fate

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“But?” she asked, sensing one.

“But you need to know you’ll never be allowed to put yourself in danger. You’re not going near him. You can help. Give us advice, intel, but that’s it. No leaving the Ranch without me. No trying to go to him.”

It wouldn’t work. She knew it wouldn’t. But what could she say?

“I promise that I won’t do anything rash.”

Tanner sighed, looking a bit sad. Shit. She hated that she’d done that. But she couldn’t promise anything more.

“Lie down, I’m going to get you a bottle of water and a snack.” He stood and she reached out to grab his hand.

“It’s not . . . it’s not that I don’t trust you. That I want to go near him. I don’t. I just think I’m the best option to take him down.”

“Even if that means that you never come back to me? How is the two of us never being happy the best option?” Turning, he walked away.

Fuck. Ouch.

She lay back, closing her eyes.

Sacrificing herself hadn’t seemed that hard before. When she had nothing to lose.

Now, that she had the promise of everything could she do it?


Tanner walked into Alec’s office. Nearly everyone was there. All of his brothers and their wives.

And Linc.

“Everything okay?” Alec asked, glancing over at him. Mia sat on his lap, and he was holding her tight, his hand held protectively over her stomach.


“She’s asleep,” Tanner said, leaning against the wall to glare down at Linc.

What was he doing here?

“She still thinks the best idea is for her to sacrifice herself?” Alec asked.

Around him, everyone was quiet, listening. Jaret was leaning against the wall on the other side of the room. Clem was next to him. She had something in her arms. Was that a damn bunny?

Flick, Lara, and Hannah were on the sofa. Raid, Butch, and West were behind them. Mitch was being held against West’s chest as he stood behind Flick. Usually, he liked to stand behind Alec.

But Tanner got it.

He’d always choose Lilac first.

Maddox was on an armchair with Scarlett in his lap while Beau sat in the armchair next to them. He wondered where the twins and Seb were.

Linc was leaning against the wall along from Jaret and Clem.

“I think I’m slowly getting through to her.” He hoped he was. Not that he intended to let her leave the Ranch until Stefan was taken care of. “She seems to think it’s the only way to take Stefan down.”

“She wants to Trojan horse him?” Clem asked.

Tanner grinned at her. “Is Trojan horse a term now?”

“Sure. Only thing is . . . is he smart enough to see that play coming?”

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