Page 149 of Malone's Fate

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“The main thing is that I’m not being a jerk,” he replied.

“You can be,” she informed him.


“You know what,” Linc said with a strange look on his face. “You’re right.”

“I am?” Alec asked.

“You shouldn’t stay here, Ryleigh.”

“Oh?” she said.

“No, I should come stay with you,” Linc said. “I’m moving out to the Ranch.”

“Oh, fuck no!” Tanner said.

“Stop swearing in front of the baby,” everyone but Opal told him.

Tanner rolled his eyes. “He is not coming with us, Alec.”

Alec was quiet.

“He’s a cop!” Tanner said.

“With a gun,” Alec said. “Trouble is coming.”

“Yeah, and he’ll make us stick to the rules.”

“If I need to, I’ll look the other way,” Linc said with obvious reluctance. “Only in this instance and only to protect the girls and Kye.”

Alec nodded. “Fine, you can come too. But you’re not staying in the house with my sister. And if I catch you looking at her, touching her, or making fucking eyes at her, you’re out!” Turning, he walked out.

Silence filled the room.

“Huh,” Opal said. “I’m glad I don’t have any long-lost brothers coming out of the woodwork, it seems like they’d be a real downer on my love life.”


“I really don’t need a nap.”

Tanner just gave her a firm look. “Yeah, baby. You do. You’re only just out of the hospital and you’ve already had an eventful day.”

“You wouldn’t even let me do anything. I was only allowed to sit and supervise.” She hadn’t even been allowed to pack her own underwear, for goodness’ sake.

And now they were at Tanner’s family Ranch. Apparently, Tanner usually lived in the bunkhouse on his own. All the rest of the brothers had their own places. West and Flick had built a house on the property. Butch and Lara had moved into a house they’d had transported onto the Ranch. Jaret, Beau, and Maddox lived on other properties close by, while Raid lived in Haven.

But Alec wanted them all in the main house. Ryleigh and Kye were in a room across the hall while Opal was next to them.

Linc was in the bunkhouse. Alec wasn’t letting him stay in the house. In fact, he’d even told him that he wasn’t allowed upstairs.

Lilac was beginning to agree with Opal. Alec was over-the-top protective.

A different breed of brother than she was used to.

Crap. How was she going to convince Tanner to let her deal with Stefan? It would be so much easier for everyone. Right now, Alec was calling all of his brothers in to explain the situation.

And to tell them about Ryleigh.

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