Page 109 of Malone's Fate

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Lilac groaned. What was she going to do with him? He was terrible.

Before she could say anything else, the door to her room opened and a doctor and nurse stepped in.

Nerves filled her as she remembered what had happened.

She’d collapsed.

God. What if something was really wrong? What was she going to do? And what about the cost of this room and all of her care? There was no way she was letting Tanner pay for it.

But she was grateful that he’d thought to give her his last name to use. Sure, a hospital database should be private. There was no way that Stefan should have access to it. But she knew what sort of resources her brother had. He’d found them before. She just hoped to God, he wouldn’t find them this time.

The doctor was an attractive woman with dark hair. She smiled at Lilac. “Hello, Mrs. Malone.”

Jeez. She liked the sound of that a little too much.

Focus, Lilac.

“I’m Doctor Ann Martin and this is Abby.” She gestured at the friendly-looking, blonde nurse.

Abby gave her a small wave.

“I’m glad to see you’re awake and looking better.”

“Um, yeah. Do you know why I fainted?” she asked.

Doctor Martin glanced over at Tanner. “Would you like to have this conversation in private?”

“I’m her husband!” Tanner protested.

Abby snorted, then put her hand over her mouth. “Sorry.”

“Yes. Her husband,” Doctor Martin said, looking doubtful. “Mrs. Malone? What would you prefer?”

“Please call me Lilac. And . . .” She should kick him out, but he’d done so much for her. And the truth was that she was tired of pushing him away. She wanted him close. “I want Tanner to stay please.”

“Very well. When you were brought into the hospital, your heartrate and blood pressure were very low. We took some blood and ran some tests. We’re still waiting on the full results, but it wouldn’t surprise me if you were low in iron as well as some other vitamins. You were also very dehydrated which is why we put the drip in.”

“Okay.” None of that sounded terrible, right? “Was it due to low blood pressure that I fainted?”

“That’s the most likely scenario. However, we want to run a few more tests. We also checked your blood sugar, and it was low.”


The doctor’s face softened. “Lilac, when was the last time you ate?”

She swallowed heavily. “Um. Well, I . . . I had some dinner last night at Dirty Delights. Wait, no, that was the night before. Yesterday . . .”

Shit. Did she eat anything? “It was an eventful day.”

“Do you often skip meals?” the doctor asked.

“It’s not . . . I’m not . . . I just forget. When I get stressed, my stomach ties up in knots and I can’t eat. I don’t know. I just haven’t had an appetite.”

It sounded so lame, but she didn’t know how else to explain it.

Did they think she’d deliberately not eaten?

Her gaze went to Tanner, and he gave her a small smile, squeezing her hand.

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