Page 110 of Malone's Fate

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“It’s all right, Lilac,” the doctor said in a kind voice. “I understand. I get the same way. My emotions are definitely tied to my stomach. When I’m stressed or working too much, I forget to eat as well. I keep some protein drinks in the staff fridge to keep me going. And keeping hydrated is really important.”

“Yes. You’re right.” She didn’t know if the doctor was telling her the truth or just making that all up, but it made her feel better. As though she wasn’t the only one struggling with eating and anxiety.

“Talking to someone can help too.”

Lilac tensed again.

“It’s just something to think about, okay? We all need someone to talk to at times.”

“I’ve been seeing a psychologist,” Abby offered. “I had something bad happen to me as a teenager and I repressed it. It . . . it came out recently, so I’ve been seeing this really nice lady in Haven.”

“Molly?” Tanner asked.

“Yep. She’s awesome. Not judgy or bossy or anything like that.”

“I’m not sure I can talk about my past with a stranger,” Lilac said, feeling ill at the thought.

“Sometimes, it doesn’t need to be a stranger.” The doctor patted her leg. “Now, we want to keep you here while we do some more tests and wait for the full blood results. We also need to continue to monitor your heart rate and get you rehydrated.”

“Will . . . can I go home by tomorrow morning? I have work tomorrow night,” she said.

“I think it would be best if you took some time off. At least a few days but a week would be ideal,” the doctor told her.

“I can’t miss work.” That just wasn’t a possibility.

“We’ll work that out,” Tanner said.

What was to work out? But she didn’t say anything else as she knew the doctor had to be busy.

“Thanks, Doctor,” she said.

“I’d also like you to talk to our nutritionist. She might have some ideas about things you could eat that won’t hurt your stomach. And we’ll do an ultrasound to ensure nothing else is going on.”

“All right.”

More money. Perfect.

Abby fussed over her for a bit, then told her she’d arrange some lunch for her.

They were already trying to feed her. But then again, she had to start eating, or she was going to get into a worse state.

Fuck. What a mess.

Tanner squeezed her hand once they were gone.

“You don’t have to stay, you know,” she said.

Urgh. Why did she say that? She didn’t want to be here alone.

“I’m not going anywhere until you do,” Tanner told her firmly.

“Um, I don’t think they’ll let you stay here overnight.”

“You’ll be surprised what they’ll let me do.” He winked at her.

“Your charm doesn’t work on everyone,” she informed him.

He gasped, placing his hand on his chest as he sat back in his chair. “Lilac, you wound me.”

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