Page 5 of Whiskey

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She showed me how to hold her, and everywhere she touched, I felt a spark that sent a streak of heat through my body.

“Thanks.” My expression turned sheepish. “See? I’m hopeless.”

“Not hopeless, you just need practice.” Ellery laughed and patted my arm, her hand lingering for a few beats before she dropped it and crossed her arms under her tits, pushing them up. My eyes strayed to the globes straining against her T-shirt, and I swallowed hard when her nipples pebbled, poking through her bra and shirt.

I tore my gaze away and thought about the least sexual things I could imagine until my cock softened slightly.

Clearing my throat, I looked back at her face. “You can see why I need someone to help me? I co-own a tattoo studio and have a huge waiting list, plus any club business that I’m needed for. And clearly, I have a lot to learn. Elise thought you’d be a perfect fit, and”—I grinned down at my girl—“I think Corinne agrees.”

I could see she wanted to accept, and I almost blurted out that it was a live-in position to keep her with us at night too, but I worried that would scare her away. After a little more time with me and Corinne, and Ellery wouldn’t be able to say no.

An idea formed in my head, and I had to swallow back a wicked smile. My apartment was no place for a baby, and I certainly wasn’t gonna raise my daughter at the clubhouse. But I didn’t want to pick out a house that Ellery hated since it would be her home too—forever.

I set down Corinne’s half-empty bottle and moved her to my shoulder so I could pat her back. Ellery’s expression was soft as she watched us, but there was also longing in her eyes.

“Can Corinne and I take you out to dinner?” I asked, giving her my most charming smile and enjoying the fuck outta her cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink.

“To go over the details of the job?”

“We can do that, too,” I said with a smirk.

“Um.” She cast her eyes toward the ground, and the pink on her cheeks deepened. “Sure. I’ll just grab my things and say goodbye to the kids and staff.”

“Go ahead, baby. Still need to finish feeding Corinne.” I also needed to get Elise and Blade outta here so they didn’t fuck up my plans.

Ellery’s face flushed adorably, but she smiled brightly before turning and walking away. My eyes stayed on her spectacular ass until Corinne let out a little burp, and I chuckled as I shifted her back into my arm and fed her the rest of the bottle.

She was almost done when Ellery returned—after Elise had already dragged my club brother out of the library to run another errand she said she’d forgotten about. Her shy expression gave me the urge to wrap her up in my arms and hold her close.

I suddenly wondered when I’d gone from badass biker to a cuddler…but judging from my brothers’ relationships, I could be both, so I shrugged off the thought.

“If you need to pack up her bag, I can burp her for you,” Ellery offered. Her face was soft and dreamy as she looked at my little girl.

“Thanks, baby,” I murmured. I loved how she blushed when I called her that. And that she didn’t tell me to stop.

I watched the two of them for a moment, and my lips tipped up at the corners. Seeing my girls together just confirmed what I’d already known. She was too damn young for me, but I didn’t give a fuck. Ellery was ours, and I was gonna make sure everyone else knew it too, starting with moving her in with me. Then I’d put a ring on her finger, a baby in her belly, and give her my last name…not necessarily in that order.



If someone had told me, even as recently as a month ago, that I would be working for a hot biker in a motorcycle club’s compound, I would have told them that they were being ridiculous. I didn’t know anyone who rode a motorcycle. I couldn’t even remember seeing one up close, except for driving on the street.

But it had been impossible to turn down Zane’s offer yesterday. And not just because the job was everything I’d been hoping for since I found out the daycare I worked at was closing. He paid me very well, and I got to spend every day with his adorable daughter…with the added benefit of getting a little time with the only man who had ever brought my libido to life.

“You’re so good with her.” Elise rubbed her belly, and I figured she was thinking about the baby she carried even though it was too early to tell that she was pregnant. “I wish I had half as much experience with babies as you do. I guess it’s a good thing Toby is a doctor. At least he kind of knows what to do with babies since he treats them at the hospital sometimes.”

“By the time you have your baby, you’ll have plenty of practice,” Dahlia reassured her as she pointed at her rounded belly. “I’m sure my sister and I will need all the help we can get with ours due so close to each other.”

Elise beamed a smile at her. “Good point.”

“I thought I would get some practice in today with Corinne since Dahlia has hogged her for the past couple of days.” Molly puffed out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout as she traced her finger over Corinne’s cheek. “But I guess I can’t complain too much since Whiskey was really lucky to have found you so quickly.”

“I’m glad you think so, but really, I was the lucky one,” I disagreed. “I had just about given up hope on finding a position working with kids. I thought I would have to take a job at a fast-food restaurant flipping burgers or something like that. There’s nothing wrong with that since it’s honest work, but I wouldn’t have enjoyed it nearly as much as being Corinne’s nanny.”

After searching for a new job for an entire month, I started to think that I wouldn’t be able to find anything where I could work with kids. The options were slim in Old Bridge, and most places wanted to hire someone with a college degree, not just a high school diploma. It didn’t seem to matter that I had worked for more than two years at a daycare because I never got any offers from the interviews I’d done. Not until Zane walked into the library yesterday.

Looking at Elise, I murmured, “Did I remember to thank you for recommending me to Zane?”

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