Page 6 of Whiskey

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“It’s the first thing you did this morning.” She shook her head with a laugh. “And even if you hadn’t, Whiskey did. Twice. Until Toby glared him out of the room for getting too close to me.”

Dahlia shot her a knowing look. “Our men can be so ridiculous with their whole caveman thing.”

Molly rolled her eyes. “As if one of their club brothers would ever cross a line with an old lady.”

“Right?” Elise shrugged. “But even with his ring on my finger, his baby in my belly, and his property patch on my back, Toby still likes to pee circles around me whenever one of the single guys is near.”

“His president and VP aren’t any different,” Dahlia huffed.

“For sure.” Molly chuckled before winking at me. “And I bet Whiskey will be the same with his woman too.”

“Umm…I…uh…I wouldn’t know about that,” I mumbled, my cheeks heating as I ducked my head. “I barely know the guy, and I’m just his nanny.”

“Uh-huh,” Molly drawled with a soft smile. “He asked you to call him Zane, right?”

I nodded, confused by her question.

“Then it’s definitely something to keep in mind for later.”

Dahlia wagged her brows. “Just in case.”

Molly must have taken pity on me because she turned to her friend and said, “It was a good thing you two met at the library last week.”

“Yeah, it was like the universe knew Whiskey would need a nanny and you were the perfect person for the job,” Dahlia agreed, nodding.

I was relieved that we’d moved past the discussion of how Zane would be with the woman he eventually claimed as his own. As much as I loved their not-so-subtle hints that it would be me, “I just can’t believe he’s only had Corinne for two days. He’s so wonderful with her.”

Although he hadn’t been familiar with how to feed her a bottle when we met, the man seemed to have taken to being a new father like a duck on water from what I saw this morning. But his schedule was jam-packed between appointments with clients and managing the tattoo parlor. I’d only been working for him for a day, but I already realized that my hours would be anything but regular.

Not that I minded. It had only taken one look for Corinne to wrap me around her tiny pinky finger. I didn’t mind being at her daddy’s beck and call either. It wasn’t as though I had much going on besides my time at the library, and Zane had said it was okay for me to bring her with me if I wanted to keep doing reading time. Which I did, except now I had to bring an Iron Rogues prospect along if Zane couldn’t make it.

I thought it was really sweet how protective he was over the baby girl who’d just been thrust into his life. Especially since he told me that he hadn’t spoken to his sister in years. The fact that he’d been so quick to step in as his niece’s only parent under those circumstances showed what kind of man he was. And made him even more attractive to me, which shouldn’t be possible since I had already spent the past day without being able to get him off my mind.

“He’s certainly made her a priority.” Molly reached out to the plate in the middle of the table in the clubhouse kitchen to snag another cookie that a woman named Sheila had baked that morning. “In only two days, he’s managed to hire a nanny and reschedule half of his tattoo appointments. He’s also put feelers out for another artist so he can cut back on taking new clients…after Maverick told him there’s no way in hell I’m taking on any added responsibilities at the shop. Not when I should be focused on cooking our baby, according to him.”

“Wow,” I breathed, impressed by how quickly Zane was making changes to his life to ensure he could be a good dad to Corinne.

Molly thought I was reacting to her husband’s overprotectiveness. “Maverick has gone a little overboard since I got pregnant.”

Dahlia leaned back in her chair and patted her rounded belly. “Same with Kye.”

“We only just found out recently, but Toby is already ratcheting up his antics.”

Elise shook her head and sighed. “I was hoping he’d be a little more reasonable since he’s a doctor.”

Molly laughed. “Nah, none of the guys keep a cool head when it comes to their women.”

Dahlia shot me a mischievous grin. “Something else to keep in mind.”

I grabbed a cookie and shoved it in my mouth to stop myself from saying something I would regret later. It was hard to remember that I barely knew these women since sitting here chatting with them felt like catching up with old friends.

I nearly choked on a chocolate chip because Zane strode into the clubhouse kitchen, almost as if talking about him had conjured him from thin air. Butterflies swirled in my belly when his gaze zeroed in on my face as he headed over to our little group.

“How’re things going?” he asked, resting his palm on Corinne’s head when he got close.

His thumb was only a couple of inches from my breast, and I thanked my lucky stars that I wore a padded bra today. Otherwise, he’d know that my nipples had pebbled in reaction to his nearness.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I replied, “Really good. She took a nice nap and had a bottle about half an hour ago.”

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