Page 22 of Contract for Love

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“No, I don’t think so but for what it’s worth, I am happy to see you so happy. I just want you to pull it all together so you can be happy … with a gold medal!”

Don’t we all.

“Alexa?” Dahlia’s voice echoes through my phone with a sultry sexy heat. I am home—if you can call it that—getting some things together. I fall onto the bed, legs half crossed with wet hair and a sudden teenage grin. “Mmhmm.”

“I have to fly out of the city. Just for tonight. They want me to make an appearance at a gala in Milan. I said yes because I will be back tomorrow at lunchtime. You can come here, stay here, wait for me. If you want?”

I feel disappointed but also a flush of happiness that she still wants me to be there and spend time at her place and to be waiting for her when she returna. But it also gives me an idea …

“I can wait for you, but you will be staying at a hotel in Milan tonight?”

“I will.”

“I will be over to the hotel later and when you get back after your gala, you should call me.”

“Oh?” she purrs with a question in her tone. “You have something you want to talk about?”

“I do, urgent matters that can’t be put off any longer.”

“Well, I shall make it my number one priority. Also, what is your favorite color?”

“Erm …” I lay back on the bed, my mind blank of normal thought and instead filled with the erotic. “I guess a deep shade of teal … one when you can’t decide if it is more blue or more green.”

“Noted. I will call you later. Oh, and you can look out for me if you like, I will be on television.”

She lets it hang there and the phone cuts.

Of course she will be on television.

I can’t believe I am having sexual relations with a superstar, who is and will be on TV tonight for a fancy gala thinking about me, but my thoughts are interrupted by my door swinging open.

“Milly! What on earth are you doing in my room without knocking?!” I exclaim.

She at least has the decency to look sheepish.

“Oh, Alexa, I didn’t know you were in. I, erm, heard some noises and I thought someone had come in. Maybe they were robbing you or you know, something,” she mumbles, half reversing out of the door, except I know full well she had been heading straight for my wardrobe. I have no idea what I have in there that would be of any use to Milly, but what the hell, I’m feeling generous.

“Just take what you came to borrow and not give back, Milly. I don’t care, just knock next time.”

I watch her stop mid quick exit and look at me with surprise. “For real?”

“Yes, but I can’t guarantee I will be in such a good mood next time.”

She doesn’t hesitate, she’s across my room in seconds, diving into my wardrobe to the very back where she has obviously hidden my designer sports coat so she can take it when she pleases. I raise an eyebrow but say nothing, and she doesn’t stick around to see if I’ll change my mind. She darts out of my room in around two seconds, and a minute later I hear the front door clatter close so I know she has made her quick exit.

To be fair, I had forgotten I even owned that coat, and it may have been expensive but it is ten years old. Oh god, does that make it retro? Am I already vintage? I don’t allow my mind to linger on that thought. I instead get up and carry on packing a small bag. I don’t need much. I have everything there I need and more, I just need the reality check more than anything. The reminder that this is my home, my reality, and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. No matter how much my feelings have begun to blossom.

It's strange walking to the hotel but not going there to work. My few days off have turned into nearly two weeks and yet I spend more time at the hotel right now than I did when I was getting paid. The staff never acknowledge me; it’s like they feel I have turned to the dark side. I wonder how it will feel when I return, which I’m due to next week after my big race. Maybe I will transfer. I don’t know if I can continue to…

My mind drifts down a dark path, facing the inevitable ending of whatever this is between me and Dahlia and I’m not ready. It makes it hard to breathe to even think about it. So, I switch lanes. Turning my attention to the night ahead. I slip the key card in the slot and press the button for the 85th floor. It takes a minute... But the light flashes green and I begin to rise up the building. As the dial climbs higher, my heart beats faster.

I'd like to say I was productive, but actually, I lazed, daydreamed, took a bath, stared out the window, thought about her. I have clothes here, but I prefer hers. I like smelling her on my skin. I glance at the clock and I know she is due to call and that's how I wait for her. Laid across the bed in her shirt half-buttoned, skimming my bare skin. The room is dark. Just the city lights from the floor to ceiling glass lighting up the room.

The call comes through and I rest up against the pillows.

“Hey, you,” I say softly with a smile in my voice.

“Hey, you too,” she replies with her sweeter than honey southern drawl.

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