Page 11 of Heart Surgeon

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I push a finger inside her. She is tight around my finger and I feel her coat me in her wetness, I feel her pleasure drip in creamy strands. I add another finger and curve them upwards as I know I’m seeking her G spot. I move my mouth back to her clit.

(Of course I have done my research- I’m Juliet Sansus!)

I start to move my fingers, just a slow rhythm that matches my tongue against her clit … flick … flick … flick … flick …

The effect is fast. She rises up on her tiptoes and her whole body tenses. “Fuck, Juliet. Fuck … fuck … FUCK!” Her grip in my hair tightens hard and she thrusts her hips against me then I feel the crashing wave and hot flood of her climax on my fingers and against my face.

I lap at her. I taste every sweet drop of her until she begins to squirm. Sensitivity takes it to hold and she pushes me away before collapsing on the floor beside me in an exhausted wet heap. She turns with flushed cheeks she looks straight at me and gives me just one word. “Wow.”


Hours later we lie on the floor eating cooled lasagna straight from the tray. The wine is open and it certainly takes the edge off of our nerves. I feel young again, like a teenager. My body has been satisfied in ways I never imagined possible. If Arya thought wow about how I touched her, then there isn’t a word for the way she made me feel as she explored my body.

It seems unfair to compare her to Matt as a lover, but it is of course exactly what I did. In later years with Matt, our sex was infrequent and perfunctory, but even in the early days … he didn’t take his time with my body as Arya did. She wasn’t chasing my climax, but rather enjoying the exploration and enjoying me.

I have never felt so special, so wanted, so adored. All of my insecurities faded away the more I melted into her. There was certainly no rush.

We never left the living room. Instead we spent the night on the floor, rolling between the cool hardwood when our bodies glistened with sweat, back to the soft warm rug when the trembles subsided and we sought each other’s warmth.

The next day I float through the presentation. I listen avidly but have no recollection of a single word said. My limbs ache, my skin wears the marks of her nails and teeth. Just when I manage to pull myself out of my daydream, she catches my eye and gives me that soft sweet smile and my body explodes with lust once more.

I am addicted. Obsessed. Hooked on her drug. Is it a gay thing? Is it an Arya thing? I have no idea, but I feel like I have been asleep for so many years until she has awoken this hunger within me. It seems impossible that we could only be a one-night thing. Already I ache for her next touch. I wonder to myself if I have always been gay. I don’t know. I have never denied myself urges that I have felt towards a woman but I have definitely been sexually attracted to other women other than Arya. But I have also been attracted to men.

I wonder for a minute if I might be bisexual. But then, I also think, it surely doesn’t matter. I’m at a stage of my life where I don’t need a label. I’m clearly open to dating and fucking women. I wonder if I would still be open to dating a guy should that ever come up again and I don’t know the answer to that.

After the conference, I linger. I wonder if we should talk, if I should go home, if I should just wait and see what she wants to say but I don’t see her. My mobile pings a few minutes later

Arya – Sorry, I have been pulled away about a thesis I submitted in postgrad. I will call you when I escape.

Juliet – No problem! Enjoy.

Over the next few days, I barely see Arya. Work is crazily busy to the point where I have to stay hours and hours after my normal finish time. I come home mentally and physically exhausted, dragging myself to bed only to pass out within seconds of my head touching the pillow. And I know it is exactly the same for her. Mismatched schedules, un aligning surgeries, and a range of other things intervene in my Arya time to the point where I feel a needy pine for her.

There are moments though when we cross paths. When I see her in the corridor or when I catch her walking through the reception when she leaves the theatre just as I am about to enter.

Those moments make my world freeze, my body changes physically as I take her in. It doesn’t matter what she is wearing, how she has her hair if she is bright-eyed and alert or tired and drawn after a long day. All I can see is how beautiful she is and how much more of that beauty she hides from the world … but I have had the chance to see … feel … taste …

My hunger and need are insatiable. I know I am a ticking clock waiting to talk to her properly. Whilst I know we have both been busy my mind can’t stop wondering if she is avoiding me a little.

The one thing that keeps me a little more sane is the messages between us. I have never previously been a big texter. For me, sending a message has always been something functional. I am home … I am running late … Do you want white bread or seeded?

Arya opened me up to the world of instant communication being more than just a convenient thing. She sent me poems, photos of things that made her smile. She asked me questions. She left me voice notes as she dashed between one surgery and the next.

My chat history with her was becoming a romance story unfolding before my eyes. I look for her name on my screen and my heart leaps if I feel a vibration in my bag and when I see that the text didn’t fit on the pull-down screen it makes me even happier to think that I will have more of her to read and learn. I decide to bite the bullet and just be direct.

Juliet – Arya, I want to talk to you … about us. (And don’t panic about the word us, I just don’t know what other word to use.

Arya – Hahaha. You know me so well. I was thinking about that too. I hope you don’t think I have been avoiding you since last week. It has just been so busy; I have been wiped. But … I have been thinking about you.

Juliet – I have been thinking about you too. And the thing is that … Well, I am just going to type this and press send so I can say how I am feeling without any regret. I know that we said a one-time thing. And I know how you feel about commitment and I know you are not looking for anything long-term. But. How do you feel about making it a short-term casual thing that happens again?

Arya – and again … and again … and maybe again …

Juliet – Is that a yes?

Arya – It is absolutely a yes. I know you haven’t been with a woman before and I mean, I can read the signs enough to know you enjoyed it. But I wasn’t sure if you would want to try again. I knew you would have some processing to do. For me… I haven’t been able to think of anything other than being with you.

The conversation continues but it is like the air is lighter around me. She feels the same. The thought makes my heart sore and my body tingle in all the right places.

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