Page 10 of Heart Surgeon

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Is it enough, am I enough?

Is it too much for a casual drink at her house? Perhaps, but it does make me feel better about myself.

Running scent along my inner wrists, a spray against my collarbone, I give my hair the last shake, a deep breath. Grabbing my bag, and an expensive bottle of wine I step out and make my way down to the curbside for my ride.


The taxi drops me at the front entrance of her apartment block, it's a warm evening, I am glad when the cool AC hits me. My sandals clip across the marble floor as I make my way through the lobby, heading off into the elevator. I press the button with my fingertip. The doors open slowly with a soft ping and I step inside.

I have never been to her apartment before and she has never been to mine, maybe we both knew that might be too tempted if we were alone together. But either way, here I am. Ready to be too tempted. I know the floor and the number so even as I watch the elevator rise and run through the floors I still jumped when the ping came. I make my way to her front door but before I can raise a finger to the bell, she opens it.

Arya is of course, stunning. She completely takes my breath away and yet her outfit was is simple I would walk past it on a shelf without a second thought. To overcome the heat, she too had opted for light chiffon, but whereas mine is dark. Hers is all white.

It is a light dress that falls to her mid-thigh and I can’t help but glance down at her long toned legs. There is a print on the dress but it is very faint, it looks like blue flowers, but I couldn’t be sure without leaning in closer.

“Come in. Come in.” She grins beckoning me and it is then I notice the wooden spoon in her hand. “I am cooking us a delicious meal of vegetarian lasagne and salad, but trying to do it without staining this dress is certainly turning into a challenge. Ohhhh red! Expensive too.” She adds with a grin. “Come through, you can leave your bag in the lounge. Please, I have to go and layer pasta but look around, be nosy, snoop. Mi casa es su casa.” She laughs and dances off into what I assume is the kitchen.

I drop my bag with a light thud in the hall and slip my sandals from my feet. The floors are wooden, stained, and cool under my toes. I make my way down the hall and make a mental note of where things are … The kitchen is first, then the next door on the same side is the lounge, I assume they connect. The opposite side is the bathroom, then an office, and then I assume the end is Arya’s bedroom.

I hover at the lounge doorway, contemplating her offer to snoop, part of me wants to. Part of me wants to look at every single thing she owns in order to learn more and more about her. But I resist the temptation, some things are better left to be discovered in their own time.

I am right about the lounge and kitchen. As I step in and feel the softness of a silvery rug under my toes, big windows greet me at the front, offering stunning views across the city. I hate to think what she must pay for a view like that, but then again … she works hard and makes decent money so why the fuck does it matter what it costs?

It is decorated with impeccable taste. Greys, wood, and splashes of lemon add a vibrance and a little of the Arya flair I have come to adore. I look around and try and take it all in, the bookshelves are crammed with an array of medical works and then flashes of romantic fiction. Her center table is glass and sleek but her vase is overflowing with splashes of all shades of yellow flowers.

Where the rug ends, the dark stained wood begins and the transition between cool and warmth, soft and hard is sleek. Her style belongs in a magazine. I step closer towards the dining space and kitchen. It is all open plan but with the interior decoration thought out to perfection, there are clear set places, changes in mood, lighting, and textures to show where one place starts and another end.

“You have a beautiful home,” I say truthfully as she stands, after placing the food in the oven.

“Thank you, really. I took a lot of pride in getting it just right. I had most of the furniture and things already but, putting it all together, moving from a house to an apartment … It was a real challenge but I think I made it work.” She says with an almost shy smile as she makes her way around the kitchen island closer to me. She looks at me and fixes me with those pale blue eyes. “I have been such a bad host … I didn’t even tell you just how beautiful you look.”

That is all it takes. Those soft sweet words. She moves in closer and I do not resist. No hesitation at all as we kiss. It feels so natural to be even though she is a woman, or perhaps because she is a woman. Perhaps the rest of my life, I was getting it wrong. My heart pounds in my chest and before I know what I am doing, I am moving her, guiding her to the dining room chair.

I want her. I don’t know what I am doing, but I want her so badly.

Arya sits back in her chair, her dress starting to gape, barely covering her breasts. Our fingers brush ... the backs of my nails trace up to her arm as I lean forwards. I move in, breath held as I take a light soft kiss from her lips. My knees slide forwards and rest on either side of her thighs and I rise upwards, swaying my hips, moving them in slow circles. Delicate fingers trace upwards and curl through her golden hair. My lips move to her jaw, kissing along the bone before letting my teeth trail down her neck, leaving smudges of lipstick. Rolling her head back for me she offers up her smooth skin and my lips linger as I kiss her over and over.

I gently peel open her dress exposing her full round breasts.

Fuck, she is so beautiful.

My lips continue their descent, kissing over the swell as my hands rest just under the curve of her breasts to push them upwards and together. Her nipples harden as I kiss them. I linger with a teasing smile and then my tongue circles slowly. I hear her moan lightly. I take her nipple in my teeth and grip it gently pulling. She moans again, only louder.

I rise slowly to stand before her. My fingers find the zip and with a shrug my dress drops. This was the bit I hadn’t been sure of. This was the bit I have definitely stressed over. But now, seeing the desire in her eyes, I know I am not worried at all about her seeing my body. I feel confident in my underwear. Her eyes scan over my body and I see nothing but lust in them. My body tingles under her gaze. I need her more than I need air to breathe.

I slip out of my underwear. My breast spill out as the bra unclasps. My panties slide to the ground.

Naked before Arya I watch her stand. Her dress falls, she has no underwear on and her nakedness takes my breath away. Of course, she is as beautiful as ever, lithe and pale before me. I react instinctively and drop to my knees to find the very core of her. This is what I have wanted most. Sure, I wonder if I will do it right, but I know I have to taste her. I have to know if it is as good as it is in my head. Her delicately delicious sex is inches away from my lips. Her lips are pale pink and her blonde pubic hair is neatly trimmed. She glistens with wetness. I lean in, my eyes falling closed as her fingers run through my hair and I kiss her sweetness with an aching need to taste and please. My breaths quicken in pleading moans, seeking approval and permission to dine on her.

Her hands fall from my hair and rest on her hipbones. Fingertips reaching, she parts her vulva, spreading her smooth silky folds, and offers herself to me. My chin rests against her thighs as I move in, tilting my face upwards as my tongue darts and trails through her pussy. I take my first taste. She tastes of sex and sweetness. I want so badly to have the words to describe the taste of her, but I am lost for them. Tasting her feels like the most natural and exquisite thing I can imagine and I lean forwards and double my efforts. My mouth and tongue are feasting on her as though I’ve been starving my whole life. I’m lost in her. Completely lost in her.

I don’t know what I am doing, not really, but Arya guides my mouth, with one hand in my hair she directs me as her hips move against my tongue. I notice the changes in her body, feel the way she writhes as my tongue flattens then she shudders as I swirl. I begin to focus properly and read her and anticipate her. My palm slides up her inner thigh and with one finger I find her entrance. My fingertip swirls lightly with a slight pressure.

“Is this ok?” I murmur as I take a second with my mouth not on her.

She looks down at me and smiles her most beautiful smile.

“Yes, please.” Her voice is breathy and earthy and more sexy than I have ever heard it. “You are doing great,” she says and I feel thrills run through my body at the thought that I am pleasing her. I want to. I want to please her so very much.

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