Page 68 of One Pucking Time

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Strelow sat on the edge of his bed, his eyebrow cocked. “Fun night?”


“Ouch. Get rejected?”

“Nope. Woke up in bed with two people.”

His eyebrow rose higher. “Woah. They don’t call you Savage for nothing.”

“Damn straight.” I slapped my suitcase shut and left the room without another word.

Chapter Twenty-Five


“What do you text two guys after hooking up with them? Hey! Thanks for the mind-blowing sex. Work won’t be weird tomorrow, right?”

Roxie’s laugh filled my earbuds, and she sighed. “Emily Avery! I thought you were feeling more confident with them?”

I was. Or I thought I was. The connection I had with both men was so incredible and the way the three of us were together had me pressing my thighs together to find relief.

But the morning after had been strange.

Mac wasn’t there when we woke up. He had sent me a text letting me know he slipped out before anyone on the team was awake. It was smart of him, but his absence left me with this unfinished, empty ache that didn’t get any better when I had to walk past him to get to my seat on the plane. He winked at me, but his heart wasn’t in it.

Talking to him right then was out of the question. When I joked with Lightning about whether there was room for a third in their seat, his look startled me so much I ran to my seat and waited for Bash.

But Coach Locke stopped him as he got on. He rushed back to our row, set his stuff down and promised me he’d make it quick. That Coach just wanted to discuss a new fad diet Julie wanted him to try—something I suspected happened often.

Their discussion carried on well into takeoff and spilled over into the flight long enough I fell asleep. I woke up to Bash rubbing my shoulder to let me know we had landed.

Mac had already exited the plane. I didn’t ask Bash if he had hung around to wait for me at all. I knew the answer and wasn’t sure I could handle hearing it out loud. It would have been ridiculous for him to wait for me. It would have raised questions. Questions none of us had an answer for.

“I haven’t talked to them in any length since that night.”

“The night they both fucked you?”

I was bemoaning my woes to a very unsympathetic Roxie. I should have waited to tell her about our night together after she helped me with my current problem.

“Roxie!” I turned down my phone even though I was home alone. “Fucking sounds so vulgar—”


Her single ass couldn’t see the forest through the trees. It was more than just a hookup. Part of my soul healed in their arms. But now I was hanging on by a thread, trying to catch my footing.

“I’m serious.”

“Sorry, Em. I’ve been in such a dry spell that any amount of drama seems worth it for some dick. Two is unfathomable.”

I snorted and dropped onto the couch. “I don’t want to lose them.”

“Oh, honey.” The care in her voice cut through me and tears stung, threatening to spill out. “I can be there in ten minutes?”

“No, I’ll be okay.”

“I’m coming—”

Sebastian’s car pulled into the driveway, and I got to my feet. “Actually, Bash is home—”

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