Page 17 of One Pucking Time

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My cheeks burned, and I sat on my hands, ready to get this over with and go home.

But Julie liked to talk.

Ten minutes later, we were discussing the Portland Art Museum and my thoughts on parking in Vancouver versus Portland.

I wasn’t going to get the job. That was obvious by the way Julie avoided any actual interview questions.

She shifted to questions about local trails and my head was spinning. My nerves had been on hyper drive all morning and the tension had nowhere to go.

I was about to thank her for her time, cutting in before she had to break the news I didn’t get the position and that we were only there because we both owed Bash in our own ways.

But she handed a folder to me and leaned back in her chair.

“All the details are there. We’ll need you to be flexible because we’re working around games and press events and practices and everything else we have to deal with.”

“Wait? I got the job?”

“Of course you did, darling. The interview was more of a formality, but you had the position before you walked in the door.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. I wouldn’t have to worry about paying rent. I wouldn’t have to rely on Bash any more than I already did. Sure, my life goal wasn’t to be a social media manager, but after seeing the men I would be filming, I had nothing to complain about.

“If any of the guys give you trouble, you come straight to me, and I’ll get them in line.”

Despite her short stature, I believed her.

“My number’s on the first page. But this job is kind of a jump-in-and-learn-as-you-go gig.” She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I’ve put off getting someone to do the whole social media thing for ages, but the managers want our franchise to stand out. I think it sets us up for trouble, but I suppose that’s just part of the game now.”

I flipped through the folder and thanked her, hiding the fact my shaky hands were ready to drop the folder.

“Like I said, come get me if anyone gives you grief, but they should be on their best behavior.”

I nodded, too stunned to speak.

Leaving her office, I scanned the room for Bash, but he wasn’t where I left him. I pulled out a map of the complex he had sent me that morning and zoomed in to find the kitchen.

“Hey there,” a voice behind me drawled.

I spun around and slammed into a wall of a man.

I glanced up and gulped. “It’s you.”

Chapter Eight


A few moments prior.

“Where are you rushing off to?” Coach Locke kept his eyes on his clipboard as he passed me in the hallway.

I had slipped away from the guys to wait outside Julie’s office—not like a stalker or anything. But as a respectable member of the Vancouver Evergreens.

Thinking fast, I pointed to the exact place I was heading to. “I need to talk to Julie about something.”

Coach looked up and frowned. “To Julie? Everything okay Savage?”

“Absolutely. Just a few questions.”

“Good. You’re too new to the Evergreens to have a scandal.” He smirked and clasped his hand to my shoulder. “Settle in first.”

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