Page 39 of The Sweetest Taboo

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"Oh fuck," I groaned as I fell on her like a stone. I rested my face against her neck, suckling her skin, wanting to hold on to something to make sense of what was happening to me.

I'd had sex before. It was fun, raunchy, and exciting. It was also a temporary pleasure. This was something else. This was life-changing, mind-fucking-altering. Despite my experience, I'd never imagined sex could be like this: sweet, agonizing, possessive, protective, and…yeah, loving.

As I lay on her, she stroked my back, and a leg shifted up and down my mine, soothing and comforting me.

I kissed her softly on the mouth, looking at the contented look on her face. I couldn't help myself, so I kissed her again, and then again, feeling my erection, which should have softened, becoming firmer. That hadn't happened since I was a teenager. I was twenty-nine; I wasn't a kid. Usually, I couldn't get it up right away. It wasn't how it worked. But it did with Isha.

I pulled out of her, and she winced. Her muscles and tissues grabbed my dick just as hard as when I pulled out as I'd gone in. Her thighs were splayed, and her eyes were closed. Her breathing was soft, like she was falling asleep.

I watched as the cum leaked out of her as I'd wanted to. I saw the blood, too. It happened sometimes when the sex was rough. But it was rare. There was blood on my penis, and I felt something move inside me. Had Ace lied? Or maybe she was built like this. She had a small tight pussy, and…this happened.

I didn't care about virginity, I really didn't, but if I was her first, it gave me a rush I hadn't experienced before. I went into the bathroom to clean up. I soaked a towel in warm water and came back to clean her up. She'd bled more than just a little. I'd never fucked a virgin before, ever. Was this normal? Had I hurt her? Maybe she was on her period. Yep, that was what this was. That explained the pain. She was having cramps.

She flinched as I cleaned her, but her eyes remained closed. She was exhausted. I pushed a finger inside her, and she moaned. She was swollen, and her clitoris peeked out. I touched it, and her hips jerked. Even as she slept, her body knew me, I thought with pride and wonder.

I threw the towel on the floor. I could leave now. She was asleep. It was late.

I couldn't remember the last time I'd spent this much time with a woman in bed. I usually got my release and got the hell out of there. I never brought a woman to the ranch or any of my homes. I went to the women’s homes or to a hotel. Never one as dingy as this. But this was the best my business manager could do on short notice.

If this was her first time, she'd just fucked a man who didn't trust her in a shitty motel room on crappy sheets. She deserved better than this. I felt guilt run through me.

I turned off the lights and slid in next to her in bed. I pulled the cheap blankets and sheets over us, and held her close as I had the previous night. If this was our last night together, I wanted her skin next to mine.

We made love again in the middle of the night. She'd set her alarm for early, she told me, so she could make her seven o'clock flight. She could sleep on the plane, I decided.

It wasn't easy to penetrate her. She squirmed less and moaned more, but I knew I was still hurting her. She was sensitive and cried out as I moved, and came all of a sudden, surprising herself and me.

"Look at me when you come, look at me, damn you," I insisted as I drove into her, pushing hard, wanting to fuck myself into her so she'd always remember me, so she’d never ever fuck another man without thinking about me.

I came, and I couldn't believe that I could still find release after the two rounds we'd already had.

As I lay on top of her, catching my breath, I heard her gentle voice.

"I love you, Rowan."

"What the hell does that mean?" I demanded, raising my head.

She licked her lips and smiled. "I love you."

"Do you even know what it means?" Did I?

She nodded. "I do."

I pulled out of her, wanting to be far, far away from her.

"What does it mean?" I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling, feeling the world around me collapse. Fucking honey trap!

"That you're inside me, and I'm inside you. I know you, the real you, and I've let you see me as well."

"What fucking nonsense." I sat up.

"Don't you know me?" she asked wistfully.

"No. I know nothing about you except that you're not the sharpest pencil in the box, considering you hooked up with Ace. And now you're professing your love to me just like you did him."

"That's not what I'm doing."

"What do you want me to say, Isha?"

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