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One week later

What a difference a week can make. Zach had gone from one angry motherfucker to walking on clouds.

That day at the movie theater was one of the darkest of his career. Things escalated so quickly, it was hard to keep up. And when he heard two of his friends were injured, his already smashed heart had almost stopped working completely. He was just thankful the injuries had turned out to be minor and there were no fatalities.

Even so, going from that to this truly was amazing. Disney movie amazing.

He looked over at the princess in question again, and she was glowing. Her hand was on his thigh as she threw her head back and laughed at something her friend had said.

They’d scored a booth at the Tipsy Cow. Her best friend, Cat was visiting, so they’d all gone out to celebrate her arrival. Zach had even invited Cody so they could have a best friend fest.

Cat was everything Libby had described. Loud. Wild. And funny as hell. Zach had to admit, he did have an ulterior motive to inviting his friend tonight. As soon as he’d laid eyes on Cat, he knew Cody would be smitten. With long black hair, tanned skin and a curvy figure, she was just his type. And being the loved-up sap he was now, he wanted everyone to find what he had.

“Baby, can you believe that?” Libby’s angelic voice pulled him out of his head.


“Oh my God, you spaced out again, didn’t you? Are we boring you?” she teased.

He responded by pulling her into him and laying kisses all over her hair. “No, princess, you’re not boring me. I was just distracted by your beauty again.”

“Fuck me, you two are sickening.” Cat smirked as she took another swig of her beer.

Libby giggled and pushed out of his embrace. “You’re such a liar. You can’t say that every time you decide not to listen to me, you know?”

“Sorry, baby.” He grinned, knowing he could probably do just that. “Fill me in on what I missed.”

Libby did that cute little eye roll but filled him in anyway. “Cat was saying when she was driving down Castle Street yesterday, some clown cut her off. Almost ran her off the road. And instead of stopping to see if she was okay ... he flipped her off! I mean, the cheek of it.”

“No way?” Woodvalley was a small town. And, usually, a safe one.

“I know, right? What a douchebag.” Libby shook her head.

The conversation was cut short as soon as Zach clocked Cody walking in, in his uniform. Apparently he’d come straight from work. After waving him over, he slipped out of the booth to greet him with one of their signature “bro” shakes.

“Hey man, how you doing?”

“Not bad, not bad.” Cody smirked before nodding hello to Libby. But when he turned to look at Cat, something strange happened. The atmosphere changed.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Cat’s blue eyes narrowed on his friend. “Please tell me you’re not friends with this arsehole?”

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