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“Uh-oh,” Libby said with a sigh as Zach looked from his woman, to Cat, to Cody.

This can’t be good.

“Uh, what’s going on?” he dared to ask.

“What’s going on is, this is the fucker that almost ran me off the road yesterday and then had the fucking audacity to give me the finger!” Cat exploded.

She was now up and out of her seat, going head-to-head with Cody. His friend didn’t seem as scared as he should have been, though. If anything, he looked amused.

“Darlin’, first of all, you’re lucky I didn’t write you up for driving like Miss Daisy on a fifty road. And secondly, I don’t know what you think you saw, but I did not give you the finger.”

“Oh, so you’re a liar now, as well as a liability?”


He watched as Cat sassily cocked her hip.

Cody remained calm and didn’t react. Well, not physically, anyway. “I’m not sure how they do things where you’re from, darlin’, but over here you need to know the basics before getting behind the wheel. I’d be happy to walk you through them. Anytime.” His friend winked.

Okay, even Zach knew the wink was too much.

It wasn’t so much Cody’s words that made him want to laugh, but Libby’s oohing next to him. How could she be so damn cute when things were this tense?

“Oh, I see how it is, you’re one of those guys.”

“One of what guys?” His friend was still smirking.

“You know, the type who preys on women with low self-esteem. Insults them a couple of times and then tries to sleep with them. Well, sorry to disappoint, but just like my driving, my self-esteem is pretty damn peachy.”

“Now listen here darlin’—” Cody didn’t get a chance to finish before Zach decided to do the honorable thing. Refrain from laughing and split these two up. Pronto.

Yanking his friend toward the bar, he may have broken into a smile as Cody huffed “un-fucking-believable” under his breath.

Once they were leaning against the wooden countertop, Cody spoke again. “That’s Libby’s best friend? Jesus fucking Christ.”

At least now Zach could laugh. Which was what he did, ignoring the dirty look from his friend. “Oh come on, it’s a little funny. I actually thought you guys would hit it off. That’s why I invited you down here.”

“Yeah, well, you’re shit out of luck there, man,” Cody grumbled.

“Seriously though, this is Libby’s best friend we’re talking about.”


“And ... you’re gonna need to suck it up. Libby’s my woman and one day, if I have my way, she’ll be my wife. Cat is gonna be in my life for a long ass time. Which means, she’s gonna be in your life a long ass time too. So, you need to play nice. Got it?”

Zach twisted to look at Libby, who appeared to be having a similar conversation with Cat, who was now pouting and crossing her arms over her chest. Yup. Same lecture.

Cody didn’t say much after that, but he seemed to heed his advice and ordered another round, including another beer for Cat. It was a start.

When they returned to the table, things were a little calmer. Not perfect, but he was less worried for his friend’s life.

Oh yeah, my princess has definitely said something.

The pleasant conversation lasted a whole five minutes before they were back at each other’s throats. So much for being civil. Things were bad enough already, then Cody had to go and call her kitten. That was about the time all hell broke loose.

Zach had to admit, it was kind of entertaining. But he still had to break it up.

“Princess—” he started, but she was already on the same page.

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