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Finally, his brother came to a halt and spoke. “Okay. Let’s do this. Let’s make a plan.”

Now we’re talking.


You would think the best part of his day was finally talking to his brothers and sharing the burden that had been piled upon him. But it wasn’t. The best part was going back to his family home and finding Libby giggling with his mom on the porch.

He’d never considered himself a mama’s boy before. It certainly wasn’t that important to him that past girlfriends bonded with his mom. But there was something about seeing Libby and his mother together that stirred something inside of him. It was hard to explain.

The truth was everything about his feelings for Libby was hard to explain. From the moment he’d laid eyes on her, something had just clicked. Then the more he got to know her, the harder it was to deny that this was different. She was different. Now they were sleeping together, it had just become even more confusing.

It also didn’t help that his vivid imagination had decided to run wild. The first thought he’d had when approaching the house was, how amazing would it be to sit on that very porch and watch their kids run around the ranch?

You’ve lost your fucking mind.

He had. That was some scary shit. He’d actually had to physically shake himself afterward. It had been, what, five weeks since he’d met this woman? And already he was marrying himself off to her and adding a couple of kids.

In contrast, Libby had told him outright, many times, that she didn’t want a relationship. Ever. In short, he was screwed.

Looking down at his lap, his heart jumped for the second time that day as he admired a peaceful Libby. She’d fallen asleep just twenty minutes into the movie and there was no way he was waking her.

For the first time in forever, he wasn’t looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. Four days of not sleeping next to Libby felt wrong.

He wasn’t a complete idiot. He realized how insane that sounded. How he’d turned into a stage five clinger after only a week of being in a woman’s bed. But he didn’t care. That was how he felt. For better or worse. It was clear what he had to do now. He had to try to convince Libby to be his girlfriend. For real.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Zach sighed as he stroked back the silky strand of hair that had made its way onto Libby’s face.


Enough. For now, he was going to take what he could get. And enjoy the hell out of it. Tonight, he was going to enjoy sleeping next to the Disney princess currently purring on his lap. He’d worry about the rest tomorrow.

Picking up the remote, he turned the television off and began gathering the princess in question into his arms. Standing up as carefully and quietly as he could, he held on tight. It was time for bed.


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