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As she slowly lifted her head, his chin was quick to dip, allowing him to get lost in those sparkling eyes once again.

“Of course. I mean, I can’t stay all day – I do have to work at some point – but I want to be there in case you need me.” Almost as an afterthought she added, “I can hang out with your mom while you guys talk.”

Unaware she’d just blown his mind, she buried her head back into his chest. There was no way he was letting this woman go. She was everything he’d ever wanted and more. And she was worth fighting for. Although, he had a feeling the battle was going to be brutal.


Matt, Jonah, Wade and Zach sat around the firepit in Wade’s yard. In silence. The only audible sound surrounding them was the soft crackle of flickering flames.

All of Zach’s brothers had made a home for themselves on the land their family owned, none of them too far from the main house where they grew up. However, it wasn’t often he found himself at one of his brother’s homes. Normally, they would gather at their parents’ place. So when he’d called Wade earlier and asked to meet at his, he wasn’t surprised his brother had been confused.

Nonetheless, like always, Wade took charge and gathered everyone for a meeting at Zach’s request. It didn’t mean that he couldn’t feel his brother’s apprehension and suspicion coming off him in waves, though. He did. And it was intense.

It had been five minutes now and Zach was still yet to speak. But he had managed to crack his knuckles until they throbbed. He was still deciding whether to just blurt everything out or ease into the subject slowly when his youngest brother, Jonah, was the first to lose his patience.

“Just spit it out, man.”

“Yeah, come on, Zach.” Matt was next to speak up. “We ain’t stupid, we know somethings going on. Just tell us already.”

Wade remained silent, his gaze fixed intently on him.

Looks like blurting it was.

Wanting to get this over with, he told them everything his father had said to him. Once everything was out there, he got down to the real reason he was there. To ask for help.

“Look. This isn’t my business,” Zach stated. “I’m not a rancher and to be honest, I’ve no intention of being one. Which is why I need your help figuring out what to do next.”

Matt stood, spitting out a string of curses as he kicked the dirt. “Why the hell would Dad leave it to you? It’s bullshit. That’s what it is. Bull. Shit.”

Jonah was just as angry, grinding his teeth as he too cursed their dad.

Zach had been expecting this reaction. They weren’t the only ones mad at their father. But this wasn’t constructive. This wasn’t what anyone wanted, but it was happening and now they needed to deal with it.

“Guys, trust me, this isn’t what I want either.” That was an understatement. “Which is why I’m here. We need to figure this shit out together. And in terms of ownership ... I say we work something out. Without Dad.”

“Talk straight.” Wade finally spoke up.

“Honestly.” Zach’s gaze landed on Wade. “I think we should split it. Equal shares. If he really is giving me the ranch, then I should be allowed to do what I want with it. And that means signing over most of it to my brothers.”

That seemed to placate Matt and Jonah at least. And saved the dirt from the good kicking it was getting.

“What happens if Dad finds out your plan and decides to sell the land instead?” Wade asked, his efforts to control his temper evident.

Zach hadn’t even considered that. “You think he’d do that?”

“Well, he obviously has his reasons for not wanting to leave it to us. So, who’s to say he wouldn’t do just that.”

Another chorus of curses came from his other brothers.

“Okay, well fuck it,” Zach exclaimed. “We make sure he doesn’t find out. Once the ranch is signed over to me, it won’t be an issue.”

“What happens when you don’t quit your job or move back here? There’s a chance he’ll delay signing it over.” Wade was killing him with these imaginary scenarios.

“Look, I don’t know the fucking future, man. All I can do is what I’m doing now. Telling you guys what’s up. Figuring out a plan. And trying my goddamn best to make sure this ranch survives. We can go over what ifs all fucking day, but it ain’t gonna solve shit.” Even Zach was losing his cool at this point.

His words hung in the air, doing nothing to cut the tension surrounding them. But he was done explaining himself. So, he waited. If his brothers had a better idea on how to handle this, he was all ears.

After a few minutes, a brooding Wade let out a sigh and began to pace. The others remained quiet. They were waiting on Wade. He would have the final say. Zach may be the oldest, but it was Wade who acted like it.

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