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As it was Zach’s last day off before he had four days on shift, they spent all of Sunday together. Mostly in the bedroom. Eventually, they made it downstairs to eat. But after stocking up on calories, Libby was promptly carried back upstairs. To her delight.

It was now Monday morning and Zach had been gone for a grand total of twenty minutes. While she was pretty annoyed at herself for apparently having no self-control whatsoever, another part of her was beyond satisfied. Not because the sex was so damn good. Or because she had finally scratched that itch. It was more than that. And it scared her.

In true female fashion, she needed a second opinion. Luckily, despite it being super early in Wyoming, it was the afternoon in England. Which meant Cat would most likely answer her phone if she called.

Sat at her kitchen table with coffee now warming her insides, Libby pulled her legs up and rested them on the chair opposite her. A smile graced her lips as her gaze went to the table. And her cheeks began to warm as she caught sight of the countertop behind it.

Oh my God, stop. You can’t start blushing like a schoolgirl every time you look at a particular surface.

She could and she would. Evidently.

Shaking her head, her attention went back to her phone. Scrolling to Cat’s name, she hit the call button, switched on loudspeaker and waited. Hoping her friend had time to talk.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Cat chirped. “Sheesh it’s early over there. Don’t tell me ... another toaster fire?”

“Don’t even joke about that! You’re gonna jinx me!”

Libby heard her friend laughing down the line, which may have made her own lips twitch a little. “Well, at least if you set the house on fire again, you have a hot fireman on speed dial to come to your rescue, right?”

Even just the mention of Zach caused her stomach to somersault.

Oh God, this is bad.

Scrubbing her face, she took a deep breath. “Yeah. That’s actually why I called. I need some advice.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. So ... something might have happened with Zach.”

“Might have happened?” Cat repeated, not hiding the amusement in her voice.

“We, y’know, may have taken things to the next level. A few times. Maybe six ...”

“Six? Holy shit, girl! Can you say jack-fucking-pot? Are you ringing me just to brag? ‘Cos that’s not cool. You know it’s been a freaking eternity since I’ve had any action.”

This time, Libby joined her friend in laughter. She might have been bragging a little. Or maybe she was still slightly delirious from all the orgasms she’d had in such a short space of time. Either way, it was a pretty damn good situation to be in.

“You could always move over here? Zach has a lot of friends. And like three brothers. I’m sure at least one of them would be able to help you out with that.”

Cat groaned. “Don’t tempt me. I miss it over there. Brighton just doesn’t do it for me anymore. And don’t even get me started on my mum. If she asks me one more time when she’s gonna get grandchildren, you may actually hear me screaming from all the way over there.”

God, she missed her friend. It had been two whole years since she’d moved back to England, and she hadn’t been back to the States since. Maybe it was time to plan a visit.

“If that’ll tempt you then I’m gonna start taking pictures. Photo evidence that you can get laid if you move here. Plus ... I have this big house now. Want me to send pics of the spare room?”

“Oh my God, stop!” Cat giggled. “You’re not playing fair. Although, if you just so happened to have a couple of photos on your phone of hot guys, it’s not like I could stop you from sending them or anything ...”

Like most of their calls, it descended into chaos quickly. There was a lot of laughing. So much that tears streamed down her face on more than one occasion. For at least forty minutes they aimlessly chatted, catching up with what was going on in each other’s lives.

When they did get back around to the topic of Zach and the two nights they spent together, Libby had a feeling she already knew what Cat was going to say. And bingo, she was right.

“Just stop overanalyzing it and enjoy it. Look, yes, the whole friends compromise is a little wild, but who cares? I thought the whole point was that you were scared of being in a relationship. Well, he’s not your boyfriend. Friendship and sex can imitate a relationship all it likes; it doesn’t mean it is one. You haven’t got the labels and you’re definitely not planning a future together, so there you go. You got what you wanted. Relax. Let yourself be happy for once.”

All good points. As usual. However, there was still that niggling feeling that she couldn’t shake. It made her itchy. But Cat was right, she couldn’t remember the last time she just let herself enjoy something. And if ever there was something worth enjoying, it was Zach.


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