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Oh my God, I had sex with Zach.

That was the first thought Libby had as she woke from a very deep sleep. Her second, as she turned over, was panic. He was still there.


Despite what they’d each agreed, last night had been the least casual sex she’d ever had. They’d connected on a level that Libby hadn’t even known existed. After hearing him talk about his brother so honestly, it was like all those emotions that poured out between them had to go somewhere. And that somewhere was sex.

Back was the warning alarm in her head. This time it was deafening. For a moment, she thought her eardrums might burst as Zach leisurely drew her very naked body into his arms. But then she remembered they were imaginary bells.

You’re a dumbass.

She was. A dumbass who might have already caught feelings. After one night!

What the fuck, Libby?

She tried not to panic. Maybe this was just a bad case of emotional attachment after sex. Yes. That’s it. It was just her hormones playing tricks on her. That’s why she was enjoying snuggling so much. Simple biology.

“Morning, princess.” Zach’s husky, sleep-worn voice really wasn’t helping things.

I mean, who has the audacity to sound so frigging sexy in the morning?

It dawned on her then, just how much of a wreck she was. Bad breath, smudged make-up, knotty hair and let’s not forget, really freaking naked.

“You okay?” Even the concern lacing his tone was making her feel all gooey.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“I-I should go clean up. I must look like shit.” She figured she might as well put it out there. There was no hiding it. He needed to know there was no perfection when it came to Libby in the morning.

Instead of allowing her to crawl out of bed with what was left of her dignity, in one quick move, he flipped them until she was on her back, and he was hovering above her, all of his weight resting on his elbows. But she couldn’t even look at him. God knows what kind of hot mess was staring back at him.

“Look at me.” He waited patiently. Too bad she wasn’t playing ball. “Please, baby?”

Interesting. They’d graduated to “baby”. Just then, a flashback from last night caused her to squeeze her eyes shut. Oh no. She’d been the one to call him “baby” first.



It must have been at least a minute before she mustered enough courage to look into those serious blue eyes.

“Listen to me.” A big swallow later, she got a taste of her own morning breath. “You’re stunning. You take my breath away, you hear me? With make-up, without it, nothing will ever change how I feel about you. I think right now, you’re the most beautiful you’ve ever been.”


But it worked. She’d also been awfully slow in realizing just how naked he was too, and how a certain appendage, in particular, seemed to wholeheartedly concur with his statement. And just like that, the rest of her body woke up.

It only took one innocent squirm for him to realize just exactly what she was thinking. His mouth crashed down onto hers seconds later and all of a sudden, morning breath was the last thing on her mind.

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