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Her choice was taken away from her when Zach reached up and pulled her down onto the beige cushions.

“You looked like you were trying to solve an equation. What’s going on? Was it the flowers? Too much?” Should she be concerned that he could read her like a book?

Zach twisted until he was facing her. Libby did the same, allowing them to talk face to face. Giving her the chance to see the genuine look of concern currently wrinkling his handsome brow. And that did something to her.

Who was she kidding? He did something to her.

“The flowers are beautiful. I’m just feeling really confused.”

“Talk to me.” He covered her hand with his. Even that innocent touch sent her pulse racing. This was getting silly. She couldn’t go on like this. It was time for the truth.

“We’re supposed to be friends, Zach. Just friends. But already the lines have been blurred and they just ... they just keep getting blurrier. I mean, how many friends do you know that turn up at each other’s houses with roses? Or say the things you’ve said to me ... or the things I’ve said back? It’s not normal.”

“Well, this isn’t a normal situation.” His gaze bore into her so intently she couldn't help but squirm. “I’ve made no secret of the fact that I like you, Libby. As more than a friend. I think you feel it too. But for some reason you’re scared of what you’re feeling. I’m trying to respect that, I really am, but you have to understand ... I can’t just switch off my feelings.”

When he put it like that, she didn’t know what to think anymore.

“So we can’t just be friends? Is that what you’re saying?” Just the thought of losing him was making her stomach twist.

Her gaze dropped to her hand as she listened to him blow out a heavy breath. Zach’s hand was still on her, but instead of removing it, he laced their fingers together causing her to feel a flutter in her chest.

That can’t be good.

“I’m not saying that.” As he began to speak, she lifted her head again until their gazes locked. “But we can’t keep pretending we don’t want each other either.”

“So what do you propose?”

“A compromise.”

Her heartrate kicked up so fast her ears began to pound. “A compromise?” she asked, through the pounding.

“You want casual ... and I want a relationship. So how about we meet in the middle?”

I thought there wasn’t a middle. “And the middle is?”

“Sex and friendship.” She didn’t miss the heat in his eyes.

That sounded a lot like a relationship to her. She felt her face contort. Probably giving away her secrets again.

Before she had a chance to question him, he beat her to it. “Hear me out. You want casual, and I need a little more. The only way for both of us to get what we want is if we keep our friendship while we ... do other things.”

“And what does that mean exactly? For example, say we’re ... intimate, does that mean you want to hang out after?”

She noticed his jaw tick and his nostrils flare. “I’m not leaving after we have sex, Libby,” he warned. “I’m putting that out there right now. But it’s not like I’m gonna want to play a boardgame with you after either. If we ‘get intimate’, yeah, I’ll probably stay. Hang out. Maybe do it again.” A hint of his mischievous grin emerged.

“You know that’s basically dating, right? I’m not dumb, Zach. Us playing house isn’t gonna make me change my mind about having a relationship.”

His face was hard to read. He didn’t look offended, or even surprised by her words. It was like he was already expecting that response and for some reason, that only annoyed her more.

In another move she wasn’t expecting, Zach rose and pulled Libby up with him until they stood in front of one another. Close.

“We don’t have to decide today. Just think about it. That’s all I ask.”

He was being so damn reasonable that she had no other choice than to agree. Plus, he was standing too close and smelt too good for her to form a better response other than “Okay.”

“Thank you. Now, let’s go eat some cake. And you can tell me all about this new friend you made.”

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