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The ranch hadn’t been far from Zach’s thoughts all week. But driving up the dirt road to his family home still managed to bring back an array of feelings he’d been trying his hardest to suppress. Even Libby’s presence beside him wasn’t enough to settle his racing heart.

As he took the final turn toward the house, he tried to swallow down the emotions bubbling to the surface. He still didn’t know what he was going to do. While he could inject what little he had in savings into the business, he doubted it would be enough to keep the ranch functioning long term. What then?

He knew he needed to talk with his brothers, but he’d been putting it off. Mostly because he knew how pissed they’d be. And rightly so. They’d dedicated their lives to the ranch, unlike him.

He didn’t want to think about how his dad’s decision could be considered the ultimate manipulation. If he did just want him back at the ranch, this was a pretty extreme way of going about it.

“You’re thinking awfully hard over there. Everything okay?”

Glancing over at Libby, he mustered a likely unconvincing smile. “I’m good, just been a long week, that’s all.”

“We can take a rain check if you’re tired. I don’t mind. I did kinda trick you into taking this trip in the first place.”

Not a chance in hell.

Zach waited until they’d parked. Once he’d unfastened his seatbelt, he turned toward her, finally able to get more than a quick glimpse of those vulnerable eyes. With him still yet to reply to her offer, she made no attempt to cover the apprehension in her expression. He liked that. She wanted to go to the rodeo, and she wanted him to take her. It was that simple. And she wasn’t hiding it.

Libby may be inexperienced when it came to relationships, but she was a natural. This was probably the best relationship he’d ever had, and he’d only known her a few weeks.

They definitely weren’t friends. Despite what each of them said. What they had, had never been about friendship. Friends may talk, laugh, and hang out like they did, but they didn’t want to rip each other’s clothes off. And that’s exactly what they both wanted. She wasn’t exactly the best at keeping her feelings hidden and nor was he. If she stopped fighting it, he knew it could get even better. The best he’d ever had.

“I don’t want that. I’m fine, honestly. You looking forward to getting down n’ dirty with a bunch of bull-riding cowboys?”

She went bright freaking red and despite it being the cutest thing he’d ever seen, he couldn’t hold back his laughter.

“Stop it!” Libby wasted no time slapping his bicep. “Don’t laugh at me!”

“Sorry, sorry. It’s just you went the darkest shade of red. You got a thing for cowboys, princess? ‘Cause I’ll get out my cowboy boots and hat right now if that’ll seal the deal. You just say the word.”

Still red. That must be a yes.

He would have to remind himself to pick up his Stetson later. His attention went to the windshield.

Wade. Rolling his window down, his brother wasted no time leaning into his space. “You guys gonna make it out of the car anytime soon? We gotta get on the road.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just give us a minute, man.”

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