Page 32 of Toasted

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Libby was back at the Tipsy Cow, only tonight, she was meeting Rachel. Who was currently twenty minutes late.

Please don’t let me get stood up on my first friend date.

That would be the icing on the cake. She already felt like a loser after admitting to Zach she’d never had anyone to go to the rodeo with. So the last thing she needed was to get rejected by a potential friend before she’d even had a chance to scare her off with her personality.

“I’m here!”

Libby glanced up to find the pocket-sized firecracker bellowing at her from the bar.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry. I know I’m late.” Rachel was walking and talking. “Mrs Tucker came in five minutes before closing and wanted to buy twenty dozen full-sized cakes for the church fair. Twenty dozen! How in the lord she thinks I have twenty dozen full-sized cakes just lying around, heaven knows, but I told her I need some time to actually bake them. Luckily, the church fair’s not until Thursday, which gives me three days to get my ass into gear and whip up a damn miracle.”

Rachel was still yet to reach their table, not caring in the slightest that she had the attention of the whole bar.

“I don’t suppose you know how to bake, do you?” she asked as she finally approached the table.

Rachel had the kind of confidence Libby had always dreamed of having. Just a simple, say it as it is kind of sass with a who cares who hears attitude. She liked that. The whole lack of filter thing reminded her of Cat. Not that Libby had any trouble speaking her mind. She didn’t. It was just that it normally came out a lot more awkward. And dorky.

“Hmm, let me think.” Libby used her pinkie finger to tap her chin for full dramatic effect. “Well ... my first day in Woodvalley, I tried to make toast and started a fire. Does that answer your question?”

A very loud and very animated laugh emanated from Rachel as she took a seat opposite Libby. It was nice to know she could still make someone laugh. Even if it was at her own expense.

“I guess it does, sugar. Oh well, looks like I’m not gonna be sleeping for a while.”

“You know, just because I can’t bake doesn’t mean I can’t help. I can mix stuff. Shout words of encouragement. Maybe wash a few dishes?”

What am I saying? Do I really want to swap a night in with The Bachelor for a night making cakes with a complete stranger?

Libby mentally cursed Cat. That talk had clearly gotten to her. Made her lose her mind. Forced her to swap the comfort of her own home for actual activities. With people.

“Really?” Rachel’s excited squeal was the final nail in the coffin.

“Sure.” Why the hell not? She’d already dived off the deep end by showing up tonight. What was one more leap? “I can come by after work and help out wherever you need me.”

“Oh my God, you’re a life saver, Libby. A frigging life saver! Drinks are on me. What are you having?”

Libby glanced down at her full wine glass and then back up at Rachel. “I’m pretty sure I owe you a drink. After the free cake, remember?”

“Don’t be silly, sugar. I just said that to get you to come out with me. Besides, you just agreed to help me bake twenty dozen cakes. Trust me when I tell you that me tryin’ to bake that many cakes in three days isn’t gonna be all sunshine and roses. It’s gonna be more like chaos with a healthy dose of cursing.”

“Why did you want me to come out with you?” It was the million-dollar question.

Rachel waved off the words and stood. “Drinks first, questions later.” And she was off, whipping her long, red hair and swaying all the way back to the bar.

When she returned, she was carrying a full bottle of wine. By the looks of it, it was going to be one hell of a night.

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