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Two glasses later, Libby’s lips were getting looser. Damn red wine. “Yes, you’re right, he does have a sexy as fuck ass ... but how did you know I was hanging out with him?”

“Oh please. The whole damn town knows about you and Zach. Getting it on at the Farm n’ Fresh will have that effect, sugar.”

“What?” Judging by the head swivels, that must have come out louder than she’d anticipated.

“Y’all were making out in the Farm n’ Fresh a couple of weeks back. Betsy Jane saw you. And she told Billy Myers who then told ol’ Mrs Franklin, who told the ladies at her bingo night, and they told the—”

Libby's hands shot up in a halting gesture. “Okay, okay, I get the gist. There’s just one problem. Zach and I weren’t and never have made out in the Farm n’ Fresh. So Betsy Jane is either one hell of a liar or she needs to get down to the eye doctor like yesterday.”


Libby nodded before taking another large glug from her glass.

“Huh. Well, Betsy Jane was always a bit of an asshole. Plus, she’s besties with Zach’s ex Katie, which more than likely has something to do with why she was spreading rumors.”

Betsy Jane was an asshole. And then there was the mention of Zach’s ex. Why had that made her stomach hurt?

Jealous much?

Of course he had exes. The whole town was probably full of beautiful girls whose hearts he’d broken. It didn’t matter. No. It didn’t. Because she wasn’t and never would be one of them.

“Katie, huh?” Libby reached for the bottle and refilled both their glasses. More wine was bound to help her stomach.

“Oh no. I know that look. You’re falling down the ex blackhole. Don’t do it. Zach’s with you now. The past is the past for a reason.”

“That’s just it, Zach and I aren’t together. We’re just friends. We haven’t been making out in Farm n’ Fresh or been getting it on at Molly’s diner. We’ve just been ... hanging out. And talking.”

“Talking?” Rachel’s eyes widened in disbelief. “So, you’re seriously telling me nothing has happened between you two? Nothing at all?”

One little kiss, that’s all it was. There was no point even mentioning it, really.

Then why can’t you stop thinking about it?

“Oh my God, don’t even think about lying to me, girl!”

How did she know?! Is there something wrong with my face? Is this why I can never keep a secret?

“Okay, fine. Something happened. A kiss. Once. And only once. But it doesn’t matter because we both agreed to just be friends. So that’s what we are. Friends.”

“You both agreed?”

“Well, yeah. Sort of. I mean, I don’t really do relationships, so—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rewind. You don’t do relationships? As in never? I need more information. You’ve never had relationships, or you don’t do them anymore?”

That was how Libby found herself breaking the news to another person that Disney was a goddamn liar. Rachel was now also one of a select few who knew all about her mother issues. How shit scared she was of commitment. And her severe lack of experience when it came to men.

Friends share, right?


Over the next few days, Libby spent all of her free time at Fairy Baked. It turns out making new friends wasn’t so bad. Rachel was great. And she was fast becoming one of her favorite people to hang out with. She was funny. Loud. Easy to talk to, and as if that wasn’t enough, she also had magical powers when it came to crafting the tastiest cakes.

Twenty dozen cakes made and life stories shared, Libby was looking forward to going to the church fair tomorrow to see the fruits of their labor in all their glory. And she was thinking of inviting Zach. Today was his last shift before he had four days off, so there was a chance he would be around.

“What was that look?” Rachel grinned as she dropped onto the chair opposite her.

They were still at Fairy Baked, perched on the steel stools around the kitchen counter after having just finished decorating the final batch of cakes.

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